Been a while. As I look at the world we have missed the mark on - TopicsExpress


Been a while. As I look at the world we have missed the mark on everything but knowing that the sun will rise tomorrow. We have people who are overly sensitive in regards to racism where everything is racism to them...virtually to the point of crying wolf. This lends itself to ultimately downplaying the actual legitimate occurrences of racism. Then we have have people who dismissively downplay what needs to be addressed as a form of racism. You cant rebuttal with You always cry racism...if something is racist ..assess it , address it. and then move on. Being colorblind doesnt make the issues any better. Issues are resolved head on..not putting race in your back pocket and crying I am legally [color] blind... Sorry you cant hold that down. We miss the mark with cultural representation, with social double standards with gender between men and women and amongst the plethora of other things...God Almighty...we have this idea that God is there and not there( been this dichotomy since the beginning) is quite funny because the God many people believe to not be there or the cognitive form..doesnt exist...We have failed to realized that we have made our own version of God Almighty in our minds and when our erroneous expectations are not met...we lose faith, we lose belief, we deny God, call God blasphemous things and so on. We have missed the mark with God so much that we dont even know who He is. No matter what we think of God...we are probably wrong....we make Him out to be a magician, our employee, our mercenary, our genie, some superhero( to always save the day and never let anything bad happen to us..... do we actually read the bible?), to barney and friends, our lifes garbage man, our slave or slave master.....the imaginative jobs of God we make up for Him are endless and asinine at best. We need to get back to the basics with God. Ask Him seriously to reveal His nature ,untainted by our own minds, to you and make your choice to follow Him or not. Joshua even gave the Jews this same choice. We all got choices and they have their own consequences( good or bad). I am talking to myself mostly on this one...simply a rant...idk...out the dome. Lets us start hitting the mark with race relations, intercultural and ethic relations, gender relations etc social policy, economic reconstruction,and most of all our relationship with God.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:59:20 +0000

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