Been dishing out Y3T week 3 workouts all week to clients. So - TopicsExpress


Been dishing out Y3T week 3 workouts all week to clients. So brutal. Y3T Week 3 The third and final week of the Y3T training cycle focusses on a rep range of 20-80 reps per working set depending on the muscle. All 3 muscle fibres will be stimulated during week 3, as will all 3 energy systems. Week 3 Criteria - 4-7 working sets per body part - Great emphasis on the rest pause principle – rest pause is a training principle which says when you fail instead of stopping the set, you rest for a short period of time (3-6 seconds) and then continue the set. For example for a leg exercise you may have to do 80 reps but fail at 25- the idea is here to use rest pause to complete the set. This forces the muscle to recruit a great deal more muscle fibres, causes massive calorie usage and it can shock the muscle to a state of growth by taking it beyond limits it is accustomed to. - Great emphasis on constant concentric and eccentric muscle fibre contractions (limited pause at the isometric point of contraction- the top of each rep). - The addition of supersets and giant sets. - 90 seconds rest period between single working sets. Here we have my client Kelly smashing out a shoulders giant set. 20 shoulder presses 20 DB lat raises 20 supinated ez bar front raises 20 rear delt flys 3 sets with between 45 and 90 seconds rest between sets. #physiqueelite
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:21:27 +0000

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