Been doing that since January 10, 1971, This verse is not talking - TopicsExpress


Been doing that since January 10, 1971, This verse is not talking about going to Church are your Church Membership, this is talking about STANDING FOR THE WORD of GOD, if a SOLDIER is in a BATTLE and doesnt fight the ENEMY hes not SERVING, This is talking about STANDING not setting, JOHN 15:18-21, Matthew10:38,39, is talking about your Cross for Christ, Jesus said he that taketh not (Verse 38) HIS CROSS and followeth after me is NOT WORTHY of ME, (Verse 39) He that finds his Life shall lose it, he that loses his life for MY SAKE shall Find it, When you are really serving like JESUS did, The JUDASS will take the 30 pieces of Silver, and The Apostle PAUL found out that DEMAS had LOVE for this present WORLD, King David found out also that AHITHOPHEL his close adviser turned out to be the old Testament JUDAS, and also King David he had a vicious Neighbor named Shimei who cursed him and Slandered him and railed on with a pack of lies, (2 Samuel16:5-8), Are you really serving THE LORD, Jesus public Ministry lasted 3 years, and he was beat beyond recognition Isaiah 52:14, his beard was plucked out by the ROOTS, Isaiah 50:6,7, Its no wonder The Great Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians and said To put on The Whole Armor of God Ephesians 6:10-18 That you may be able to STAND against THE WILES of the DEVIL, WILES means METHODS, When Stephen stood before the Pharisees and told them of there Murderess Treachery they gnashed on him with their teeth and rant their garments and ripped STEPHEN apart Acts7:57-58, before Paul became a Christian he helped to Persecute The early Christians, actually the first Martyr was Stephen and Paul was their, He was called Saul at that time he was still a Pharisee, those that stoned Stephen laid their coats at foot of Saul The future Apostle Paul, JESUS said The Road to HEAVEN is Narrow and few be that find it, but he said the road to HELL has a WIDE GATE and it;s a BROAD ROAD and MANY go there in, MATTHEW 7:13,14. Jesus taught many parables, The Wheat and The Tares, THE DRAG-NET Parable, in these two Parables The first one only the seed that fell on good soil was really a Christian, in the second parable of the Drag-net many fish were caught and in many of Jesus stories the ANGELS did the separating, good fish and bad fish!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:18:22 +0000

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