Been living in the country for just over three weeks ---- and ---- - TopicsExpress


Been living in the country for just over three weeks ---- and ---- I love it!!! After living in Seattle and Paris, Albuquerque seemed soooooo small when I arrived. I would not have liked living in a town with less than 1000 people when I was younger; but Im adapting and adjusting - and appreciating the differences. I feel safe here. No matter what happens in the world, this is a wonderful location to be in. I didnt post any before photos of the big house because I really did not want to see the, omg, what are you thinking are you flippen crazy comments. No doors - no windows - no plumbing - no electricity - no cabinets, counters, closets or drawers - no heat - house filled with debris.... It was pretty scary. The progress in three weeks is amazing!!! We have front and back doors. We have light through a few windows. We have heat (wood burning stove and propane heater). We have electricity - phone, internet, tv. We have hot water. We have a working functional kitchen, bathroom and living room in the big house. (And we have the warm - clean - new and bright tiny home for my office, living room and bedroom.) And, most of these have been at no or minimum expense. Just some hard work. The only thing I am missing is a sink.... Dishes are done in big wash buckets on a big folding table in the bathroom - slightly a pain but not impossible. The experience has made me grateful for what I have. I took a lot for granted. The excitement and joy of getting the basics fees good as each is accomplished Have met with the local Chamber of Commerce, had my first laundromat meeting the other day (I guess meeting over laundry is common place here), will be volunteering at the local animal shelter here starting next month and am looking forward to Ladys Day with the local Gun Club at the shooting range on the 5th! The drive to and from ABQ is beautiful. I love driving, love the scenery, crank up the tunes and it is good for my soul. Now to focus on ways to earn income here... nothing but opportunities.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:24:13 +0000

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