Been looking for a test to tell you if your union or political - TopicsExpress


Been looking for a test to tell you if your union or political party are really working in your interests? Well here is the test youve been waiting for. Throw politics out the window, if they dont fight this one with everything theyve got, if theyre not willing to take a risk, theyre not on your side. This is some serious shit. Brendan OConnors statement is inadequate. Ged Kearneys statement say nothing. Jennifer Westacotts statement is the only one not couched in rubber and shes not on your side believe me. Class division my friends. This is an attack on workers that will set us back 150 years as a civil society. Your children will not support themselves working for an education and if youre not rich your prospects just got a whole lot worse. The middle class is being excised from Western culture. The long-awaited review of Australias workplace laws will examine the effect of the minimum wage on employment, how penalty rates are set and what economic effect the loadings have on business and employees. The paper states that the inquiry is not intended to maximise the benefits to any particular group and that the commission will consider the social and economic aspects of the workplace system. The paper notes Australia has a high minimum wage rate relative to median earnings when compared to other OECD countries – though this is declining. The current minimum wage in Australia is about $33,000 a year, or $16.87 an hour. On penalty rates, the paper notes that there are polarised views about the appropriateness of weekend penalty rates in some sectors. Submissions are invited on how penalty rates are determined, what changes could be made to the system and on whether wages would fall if penalty rates were deregulated. The situation in the UK, New Zealand and the US, where penalty rates are generally not required on the weekend, are also to be taken into account by the review. Employment Minister Eric Abetz pledged to Fairfax Media the government would not attempt to legislate any of the commissions recommendations before the next election. And we all know Mr Abetz has never told a lie.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:29:44 +0000

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