Been one of those days that it would be so easy to complain, but I - TopicsExpress


Been one of those days that it would be so easy to complain, but I am just THANKful to be alive! Have you ever noticed the days that we want (or do) complain the most are often the days that we need to be the most THANKful? I have still been working outside on my flowerbed and I had my hair up in a hair clip to keep it out of my eyes when I was bending over and picking up stuff-needless to say, I have a severe sunburn on the back of my neck and somewhat on my arms! My neck is already swelling! I can complain or choose to be THANKful! I am burning, but at least I am not freezing as usual! LOL And I didn’t get sick (so far) from being in the sun, but I tried to avoid it as much as possible-but totally impossible today! After a hard day’s work-I was so tired that I asked someone to give me a four-wheeler ride to relax (I very rarely ride on one and I was too weak and exhausted to drive). Then we had a minor 4-wheeler accident-it could have been much worse, but I managed to only get the black rubber imprint of a tire on my leg and minor swelling, some bruises and soreness! I don’t understand how I kept from getting my leg broken or at least be limping! I can complain or see a reason to be THANKful! So many distractions today, but me and Aaron managed to get quite a bit done! It isn’t easy lifting and carrying seven 80 pound bags of Quik-Crete and then mixing and pouring it (I wore a mask to keep from breathing the dust) and all the many other things I was doing my best to try to finish! Yesterday, I unloaded gravel out of the back of the truck-shovel by shovel! I need the exercise! I don’t move around enough to keep my blood circulating good! We encountered some obstacles and a lot of bug bites and ticks, but with his help- we accomplished more than he ever thought that we could! He is all tuckered out and glad to rest! LOL I had to rest a lot while we worked, but if not, I would have collapsed! I could complain about all the things that went wrong today (and there were many) or just be THANKful for God allowing me to breath, walk and do everything necessary (even if I have to have help) to work building my flowerbed that somehow just keeps getting bigger and bigger! I don’t know if I will ever get it finished!!! So excited, but facing challenges makes me impatient! Hopefully, I won’t become dehydrated-I tried to drink extra liquids today, but my swallowing is becoming worse and that wasn’t so easy! THANKful for the memories although I am sure my son, Aaron, would rather have had different memories (LOL) than helping Mom work on a flowerbed! I know he loves me either way, because he chose to stay with Mom rather than to go out and eat at a Restaurant and spend the day with the rest of his family-that made all the complaints I could have had and some I did have (just being honest) a special day!!! I am blessed even if he did complain a little and he tried so hard to encourage me to not overdo myself and work too hard-I wasn’t sure if he was just hoping we would quit working for the rest of the day or if he just loved me that much-we continued to work on-just in case!!! LOL I am trying to make something special for them all to remember me by when I die-I hope it is enjoyed for many years to come!!! Not today, but everyone has contributed to helping me accomplish my flowerbed of love!!! It has been a lot of hard work, but no complaints!!! But tomorrow, when I am sorer (from the accident) and maybe even blistered (from the sun), I might want to complain (LOL)-but the thought of all the wonderful dad’s for Father’s Day will encourage me to be THANKful and try not to complain! We can always find something to be THANKful for even when we have so many reasons to complain!!! We also have so many more reasons to be THANKful than reasons to complain-it is just easier to see the negative and become angry than it is to see the positive and smile!!! Satan will make us bitter over time if we lose our THANKfulness and don’t pray about both the small and big things that bother us and make our days become discouraging so very easily! Prayer makes our burdens bearable-not always comfortable, but bearable!!! Enjoy your day with more THANKfulness than complaints!!! And when building a flowerbed, remember-it shouldn’t be as big as a house (I am not exaggerating)!!! Now you know why I need help! LOL We all need help at times, but God is the greatest help of all!!! No one can do what God can do and bring peace and comfort to our soul!!! Complaining leads to unTHANKfulness and unTHANKfulness leads to lack of prayer and lack of prayer leaves us feeling all alone, neglected and feeling like no one really cares and that no one can or will help!!! God can and will help, but only if you ask with a THANKful heart and not a complaining heart!!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:44:23 +0000

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