Been quiet so now rant time! Starting with SMR - leaving a - TopicsExpress


Been quiet so now rant time! Starting with SMR - leaving a couple of Coffee jar lids & yoghurt pot - both heavy plastic so how about I take all my plastic to Bideford recycling & demand a Council TAx rebate! Talking of which I currently have some work in Barnstaple for 3 weeks! AS you may remember the Councils attitude towards all the residents in the new proposed housing could use North devon Hospital & go to Barnstaple for work!!!! Haha. I must admit that I used the A39 which has improved since the Roundswell constructio but still slowed making commuting time about 30+ minutes. But - wait for it - the Schools broke up & I can get from Bideford to Whiddon Valley in 10 minutes!!! Coming home hasnt improved a great deal - still bottlenecks. If the road was better then I would save an hr a day! I pay taxes (deal with that in a mo!!! lol) . Therefore can I hold Devon County Council responsible for not providing adequate infrastructure to travel to work in a reasonable time! When I say infrastructure I mean even better roads & a school bus service or adequate bus service to keep the roads clear to travel 9-10 miles in a reasonable time. After all the time lost over the year to travelling amounts to more than the Council Tax!!!! therefore the Council should be paying me to go to work in Barnstaple because they havent the foresight to allow people to develop places of work in Bideford so they dont have to travel! Yes roads - I see the third Bridge according to local papers probably won;t go ahead - we knew that from the Council meeting! But I say build the third Bridge & Bypass with roads off to Roundswell Newport & Whiddon valley! Thatll keep traffic moving & make Bideford more viable for industrial development.Whatever theyre doing to alleviate the traffic now will only return to what it was & worse because of the influx of New residents!!!! So Build a By-Pass & carve up the countryside or stop the housing - I know what Im for. As fr Council Tax!!! Due to having Part time work earlier in the year I applied for Council Tax relief! I was told I earned too much last year! LOL I didnt earn enough to Income Tax! hmm - & in any case they based This years Council TAx on last years earning of which I paid last years Council Tax out of in Full! I wonder if they deducted that off the earings when they calculated! Its a total mystery!! LAstly I hear on the News that fuel prices will probably or have to rise due to the conflict in the Ukraine!! Effecting Production? hmmm More Like Putin giving everyone a penalty for poking their nose in their business - Thank you America & Cameron!!! & the Energy companies will jump on the back of that to hike their prices! God bless Capitalism! Im by no means a Communist but do these companies need such huge profits! Research! & as far as the Ne3w Housing goes how energy efficient are they? Do they have Solar Panels & heat exchangers! I doubt! & now I hear that South facing houses arent necessarily that efficient when it comes to collecting Solar energy LMAO. They say that an East West facing house is better for more even light! The Government in its Wisdom only let properties have grants for Solar if they were South facing, Solar panel companies will only put up Solar Panels in their deals if the house is South facing yet for a while now they have improved Solar panels that only need daylight to work. A lot ,ore could be done but they won;t because they are pressured from the Energy companies so they can keep hiking their bills & squeezing the public. BFN
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:01:42 +0000

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