Been reading through some of your 800 plus comments this morning - TopicsExpress


Been reading through some of your 800 plus comments this morning and want to clear up a few things... First, Christian Mingle, my current film, is in fact based around the Christian Dating website of the same name and we are working closely with them on it. They have been incredible in allowing us to do so. It is NOT however a commercial for them as a few have questioned, but rather a full fledged Romantic Comedy movie. Normal movie. The website is simply where our two young lovers meet. In short, the character Lacey Chabert plays (Gwyneth Hayden) is the last of her girlfriends to get married and is tired of going out with shallow guys. She comes across Christian Mingle and sees the opportunity to meet a great, decent guy - after all its a Christian dating website - they guys have to be decent, right! She in fact meets her guy but isnt all that truthful about her own Christian Faith. And this is the crux of the film: Like so many today, she believes in God and stuff and thinks shes a person of faith, maybe even called herself Christian, but in reality she isnt the kind of girl our guy (Paul Wood) is looking for, and to a degree deceives him about the depth of faith. Girl meets boy, Girl looses boy, Girl gets boy. Old fashioned romantic comedy - in reverse. In the end (girl gets boy) doest come until Gwyneth discovers her own true faith and deepens her personal relationship with God. I wanted to make a funny, genre movie, but at the same time explore something that has been my personal journey toward faith.... (another question many have asked about over the last year) Like Gwyneth, I have been a man of some faith my entire life, but like a muscle that hasnt been worked out at the gym, its become fatigued, sagging, and simply there, not functioning at its optimum strength. After my father died several years back I found myself wanting to explore my faith deeper - if nothing else to solidify my thoughts about his passing and answer some basic questions - where is he now? It has been through film making, writing and directing that I have explored this and come closer to my true faith and God. I believe its that exploration and journey that has made me not only a better man, husband, father and friend, but also able to cope with my mothers passing last year with true dignity and respect. The pain is there, but I have a deeper belief in the bigger picture. Make no mistake - I am on a journey and Im still questioning and exploring. I have good days and bad days. I have days where it makes no sense and others where it all falls into place, so elegantly. And there are those who are far more committed to their faith than I. I learn from them, I listen to them, I question them. To be sure, I still struggle and ask a thousand questions, but my road ahead is clear and my relationship with God has become very strong, and very personal. I cant tell you how many times magnificent things happen while making these films and Im certain they are at His hand. I often tell my wife and friends, that sometimes these coincidences alone make me feel the presence of God, winking at me, saying stay the course, I got your back, kid. I know, with all my heart, Im doing something right. That is my journey. And it is a journey. About love, compassion, and most of all Grace. Lessons my mother laid the foundation for. Finally, to answer a few others regarding this, my faith or faith in general, please know that my faith is all about Love. Yes, God and Christ are at the core of it, but like my mother before me, it is the Love of God and the compassion that Christ taught us that steers me. It isnt about the crap out there from a few who call themselves a Christian, who shake a big stick and preach anything but Love and compassion. That is not my faith. I suppose part of my journey is to make films and be very clear about that if nothing else. I know that having faith, even a basic faith in our crazy and often unsettling world today is essential to see the beauty through disturbing and the light through the dark. That is what I want to share with people, that is what I feel Im called to do - at least as a film maker. So that is what Im doing. I hope that clears up a few things. But lets leave on a lighter note.... I just like the word Mingle. Funny word. Have a day of Grace and greatness. cb
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:56:51 +0000

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