Been struggling very hard with depression...more lately than - TopicsExpress


Been struggling very hard with depression...more lately than usual. Things in my life are just so overwhelming and STUCK. And my first instinct is to withdraw, even if my advice to others suffering this way would be to do exactly the opposite. BUT, every time it gets this bad I think of what a burden Ive been to family and friends and dont want to complain ONE MORE TIME, or seek advice,help, prayers, ONE MORE TIME... And this is not unfounded. After all, how many times do you see posts where people are complaining about seeing TMI or too much drama or complaining. I wonder if it occurs to some that THIS FB thing is more important a connection to others than they might imagine. We see all this tragedy...suicides...and wish we could have been there. Wish we would have known. We surely would have reached out. We would have tried to help. Well, the sad thing is that sometimes people hide whats going on because they dont want to be a downer. They dont want to be criticized or UNFRIENDED on FB or otherwise because they cant be the life of the party. Everyone struggles in life to some degree or another. But when your struggles go on and on, you tend to get the blame as if you just dont WANT things to get better. As if you couldve changed things had you tried hard enough. But some things are out of our control. Sometimes, even, its a medical issue. Sometimes youre a caregiver or close relative/friend of someone who is sick/mentally ill. I mean, lets face it, any number of things could be going on and you would never guess just looking at that person that theyre in deep agony. Despairing. Fighting to keep the faith and slipping away. And I want to take a moment to thank those who have been there for me. People who have prayed, encouraged, and even helped out in practical ways. You wouldnt believe how it SHOWS God to me when I open my mail to find $40 inside. Or you show up at the Christmas bazaar and buy some of my wares, or bring food when you know were low, Or even help the kids dress up for trick-or-treat. When you stop by for a visit just to see how were doing. Just because you WANT to spend time with me. Wow. That is just so awesome. I thought God must have forgotten me, and there he is. You are his hands and feet. You are his voice to me. And thats the way its supposed to be. You help me to go on when I cant go on any more. thanks.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:16:55 +0000

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