Been very busy today went to town with Mom and Sister jean, Now - TopicsExpress


Been very busy today went to town with Mom and Sister jean, Now ..let me tell you what are trips to town are like..keep in mind that my body is slowly falling apart, I am in some major pain because I forgot to take my Ibprofin before we left..first I had to go pay some bills, then we stopped and did some minor shopping in a couple of the stores along the way..Then we go across the river and we end up at Bob Evans for lunch..then off to shop some more..and with our bargains of the day Oh! about 6 packages we drive off and of course you cannot leave Gallipolis without stopping at Wal- Mart.... right? So, off we go and I pull up in front of the door and tell Mom, to get out so she does not have to walk far and she and my sister proceed to get out of the car and I said Mom, you go get your medicine, she said I dont have to get any meds today, so I look at her and said ....Then why are we here, she said I dont know and my sister said I dont need anything either. I said well shut the doors... and I pulled out and we left...LOL...So, then they decide we needed to go back across the river to and antique shop of some sort, so away we go again..Now, this is where it gets good. We go into the store first off my sister finds this long couch table.. and right off she buys it..then Mom, finds some new Carpet remnants .. Keep in mind that Mom has a Toyota Corolla, So this sweet girl is trying to help load this in Moms car. My sister told the young girl that she doubted if she could get it all in the back of the car and the girl told her, Yeah, she could get it in there she said she had once put a table and 4 chairs in a smaller car....LOL..( So, now we know why they hired the girl) LOL, we ended up with her putting the back seats down and we had to big gold legs in the back seat and 2 in the trunk and this huge glass top which I might add was taller the my sister, standing up in the back floor..Keep in mind that the six packages are back there somewhere too. Oh!! and did I say I also had a 4 ft. box in the trunk with a Christmas tree in it from last weeks yard sale I was at...LOL...Hey! I do not know where my sister rode back there, I had my seat I was then we leave town finally and head home, I am totally exhausted by this TIME..we get home and then the fun begins, we have to figure out how to get this out of the trunk that was a trip let me tell you...we accomplish our goal..Its about 4:00 by this time...So Then I come in the house to rest and Mom and sister, run out to my brothers for a few, then Mom comes home I am sitting here feeling like I could have dropped into my bed and slept for about 6 hours and Mom says.. Did you forget we have to be at Bible Study at 5:00 all I could do was turn my head.. ( and that was not even easy) and say Yes, I off we went again..The rest is history...LOL...OH! What a day ...MEMORIES
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:32:59 +0000

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