Been wanting to write this since 2008. Finally just sat down and - TopicsExpress


Been wanting to write this since 2008. Finally just sat down and decided to write the prologue. Hope I can keep this going. Why are people always so slow, the man said flipping through the newspaper. Not you, Im talking about this situation in London. Non-taken. Looks like the rain is going to pour today, huh? Gordo said to his customer. You sure you wont be needing an umbrella to go with all this meat? His customer shook his head as he pointed at the hood on his jacket. Im good, Gordo, Im good. Gordo finished wrapping the pepperoni sausage and bratwurst in this mornings newspaper. You think you can outrun the rain? His customer gave a sly smile, I think I can. He slapped a ten down on the counter. Keep the change, you need it for those meds. Is your wife doing better? Shes better. Still dealing with the affects of chemo. He paused. The word seemed to strike a painful memory. Even the strongest of us have our weak moments. Gordo nodded. Thanks, Rob, Gordo said. Thanks. Rob walked out into the bustling streets of New York. A steady mist had already begun to fall. He had only been living here for a few years after he graduated from med school, but it had become like home. The suburbs had nothing on the city. Maybe thats why so many of them ended up living here. With a flick, he through on his red hood and begun to walk towards his apartment around the corner. A couple was ducking out just as he was entering the door. Hi, Robert, the guy said, holding the door open. Thanks again for helping us find that Christmas gift for Karis, he said, she still wont let go of that giraffe doll. Rob gave a nod and a smile. He never really knew how to respond to gratitude. He normally would have said, Youre welcome, Jake. It was no problem. Make sure Karis grows up knowing there are still good men in this dark world. But he didnt. The truth is, he still always gets taken aback when he hears people call him by his dads name: Robert. Rob closed the door to his apartment quietly. He turned on his phone. Okay, Google Now, whats the news in London. Searching, the girl in his phone said. Storms expected to continue. 10 year old girl still missing. Parliament to vote on jaeger project. London train station platform 9 through 12 to be renovated after collapse... Rob shook his head. What was this world coming to? That girl had been missing for almost a week now with no word from the police. Even here in New York, people went missing all the time. Just because the fate of the world wasnt at stake didnt mean that it was not of the utmost importance. He looked at the family picture on the wall. What would you, dad? he asked. What would you have done if you were still here? You always said we were made special for a reason. Then why do we keep hiding it? His eyes lingered a little longer on his younger brother Jack. There was always a cost to what they did. Evil triumphs in this world when good men do nothing, Rob said to himself. There is always cost every time good men step forward. It might be more about who must pay that cost. He looked on his phone and saw the picture of the 10 year old girl. No. She shouldnt have to pay for this. Rob threw off his white Crocs from the hospital and put on his red Chuck Taylors. He was going to go running tonight. He checked his watch. Shouldnt take that long to get to London. He through on some shades as he walked outside. The rain just begun to pour. Bah. Rain was never fast enough to touch him. He made his way to the East River, just passing the lights of the local Loews Theater. The shows not in there, he thought. People just had to open their eyes and stop forgetting. Less than an hour later, he walked into a local London pub. Rob? the bartender said. Didnt expect to see you for another few months. Got business in town, Rob said. Here to visit my niece. Right, the bartender said. When did you have a niece? Rob slid into one of the stools. Too many questions, not enough drink. The bartender poured him a glass. You sure you need this stuff? I dont get drunk, he said, my metabolism is too fast. Wish I had that, another guy piped in from beside him. He smiled. You look familiar. I feel Ive seen your tossed blond hair before. Rob turned his shoulder towards him. Why are there so many of you, he said, ignoring Robs obvious body language, that seem to want to be the mysterious type. Life is short. Have fun! Rob looked the guy once over. A large sharp nose dominated the mans face. And you are? Just a friend, the man said, bad things seem to always follow me...but seems you dont fit that description. Bad things do follow me, you can say Im a lightning rod for them. It cant be that bad. Any news on that missing girl? Ah, her. Unfortunate, isnt it? Yes. Completely unfortunate. What did the police find so far? There is word that she may already be dead, the man with the nose said, but one of my buddies said that the police think they found some of her stuff near the docks. Which docks The one near the circus. That area is crawling with people. How could anyone miss something there? Its crazy, the guy shrugged. If you ask me, they havent been doing a good job since the whole blackmail business that has been plaguing our place. Needed a local to fix that mess for the police. Rob didnt care, he already was gone. Everyone was always too slow: the police, the darn guy talking in the bar, and even the internet. It was never fast enough. The world slowed around him as he ran top speed towards Piccadilly Circus. No one would notice him. He was just a red shimmer in the rain. He stopped in an alleyway and looked around the corner. Where to start? Funny how you answer to the name Rob, a voice said behind him. Rob looked quickly, but didnt see anybody. The voice whispered again from the hollows, You cant keep running, Dash. No one calls me that anymore. Dashiell Robert Parr, the voice said with the same tone as a good old curse that slips off the tongue like a bad oyster. You shouldnt exist. Dash switched his brain to hyper mode, processing everything around him in miliseconds. The rain around him stopped and froze in place. Where was that voice coming from. You cant outrun everything, the voice said again. Dash scanned the alley. Where? Where is he? A face suddenly seemed to appear beside him, mere inches from his ear. Boo. Dash spun as fast as he could to hit the guy, but a flash of light ripped through his body. No. He was always fast enough. He was always faster. His body hit the pavement with a thud. The rain began falling again. Dash tried to move, but something prevented him. The bullet must have shot right through him and torn his spine. Blood spilled out around him. No one seemed to notice. Dashs body quivered. Why were people always so slow?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 16:50:34 +0000

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