Before 2013 draws to its inevitable conclusion and been consigned - TopicsExpress


Before 2013 draws to its inevitable conclusion and been consigned to humankinds memory banks...but nature does not recognise the passage of is the eternal present, as was yesterday and as it will be for tomorrow...but nature does not stand still and times relentless march continues to a destiny that it is a truth to itself...but I am a human being and I can stop and reflect therefore I offer this meditation... As a person journeys to the valley of old age and decrepitude (such as I) it is a common mantra that person looks respectively to the past with loving nostalgia... a lament for what was and never will be...but life surely is never so black and white it is a rainbow of many hues...but humans are born of a time and place and they make do with what they find there, it is neither good, bad, lacking, abundant it just is...Einstein, Galileo,Darwin a peasent, lord, serf, slave, male, female, a person born in New Guinea in 1783, or a person born in Germany in 600AD, or a female born in Saudi Arabia in 1980 etc they are born of that time and the societies that exist at the time...but most societies evolve and if a person lives long and if circumstances permit they will see many changes within that lifetime but maybe not...but it is in the nature of human beings to be subjective...when I reflect on my long life the eternal present rests here...when I was 20 years old that was then the present and I was happy with most things that existed at that time...but within my lifetime technological improvements have greatly enhanced the quality of life...I would have loved to have the Internet and word processors when I was at school...the old World Book and Brittannica encyclopedias served me well but they are nothing in comparison to the handwriting is illegible at old English schoolteacher described my handwriting as that of a chicken had scrawled across the page...and dont get me started on manual typewriters...I could never use stumpy and chumpy fingers made a mess of the keys...and my dyslexic fingers often pressed the wrong keys as they do now, but today we have the benefit of autocorrect...on balance the current present time is a good place to be...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 06:14:13 +0000

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