Before British divided the border have they asked any permission - TopicsExpress


Before British divided the border have they asked any permission from us? No! And after Burma received a cheating independence! Have the Brama asked a permission from Kachin, Shan, Karenni, Karen, Mon, Arakaing, and Chin to divide us? No! So we have the right to be in our own land and dont let them to destroy our identity and nationality. Am I so selfish that I want to get my own country back! Does the Brama are so generous to rule us brutality for ages? If they destroy us by knife we have to defense our self by knife, by gun to gun, by words to words, they have no rights to control and rule us. Together we will help one another as we can to get our own freedom back! Free Kachinland! Free Shanland! Free Karenniland! Free Kawthoolei! Free Monland! Free Arakaingland! Free Chinland! The rest that left over will be for the Brama and they can name it whatever they want!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 13:51:36 +0000

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