Before I attended the art institute everyone and there mom told me - TopicsExpress


Before I attended the art institute everyone and there mom told me how much better Apple was (Macs) I can honestly say after well over a year of extensive use on a Macintosh. There is no advantage and its all hype. Hype for no reason. The same graphical programs that are available on a Mac are available on a PC. Everyone was like ohhhhhhh your going to get to use Final Cut its only available for Macs. Guess what no art school is even Teaching Final Cut anymore and industry is turning away from it as well. Its all Avid and Adobe. Both programs are available on PC. So guess what Im good and I am soooooo over it. I will stick with my PC and I will never buy a Mac....NO NO NO. Stop Drinking the Apple Koo-aid. It Taste Terrible.!!!!!!! Ok that was my rant for
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:07:06 +0000

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