Before I begin, I am purely writing for those already aware of - TopicsExpress


Before I begin, I am purely writing for those already aware of what is going on in regards to climate change, Im not going to waste my time trying to convince anyone,its too late for that, I make no apologies. In his book Endgame Derrick Jensen presents the premise: The culture as a whole and most of its members are insane. The culture is driven by a death urge, an urge to destroy life. Why else can we say when a cultures response to climate change and the decline of oil is to propose clearing entire green areas and forests to make mine metals and minerals for solar panels and wind turbines? Only its not us doing this, just think, when was the last time the populace was asked what they think? When was the last time your feelings,concerns and future where taken into consideration? Theres a very good reason for this: We are in a abusive relationship. When we are asked our thoughts and feelings about climate change,were dismissed,painted as silly,crazy,were making it up and its all in our heads,only the scars, 12-15 million hectares of forest being lost year on year,are there. The number of articles and headlines that come out to discredit the victims talking about the effects and what is happening is huge,and as pointed out by trauma expert Judith Herman: “There are a number of fallback positions to which perpetrators can retreat if the evidence is so overwhelming and irrefutable it cannot be ignored, or rather, suppressed,” says Herman. These include “the whole raft of predictable rationalizations used to excuse everything from rape to genocide: the victim exaggerates; the victim enjoyed it; the victim provoked or otherwise brought it on herself; the victim wasn’t really harmed; and even if some slight damage has been done, it’s now time to forget the past and get on with our lives.” We have even seen claims that global warming is good for us (“Warming Up to Climate Change: The Many Benefits of Increased Atmospheric CO2” was the name of a session at a recent conference of conservative lobbyists) or natural. The other aspect of this abusive relationship is that *We* are to blame,*we* need to reduce how much we consume, how much water we use,how far we drive,the number of times we fly, *our* carbon footprint. Its never civilisation, its never industry. The abusers never take reasonably for their actions,they always destroy things as long as they are your things and not theirs, Abusers will always justify their actions, they will always express remorse, theyll do better, theyll change, anything to be able to carry on abusing. They never do,each time we march,try to show anger in the most non-harmful way,such as boycotts,because its economical damage, its terrorism,if we occupy, were roughed up and given restrictive bail conditions, if some express their anger through property destruction,its violence, if oil companies destroy thousands of miles of ecosystems and kill animals,its business, and you know,business comes with risk,only a risk that they will never have to face or feel the impact of. My point is when victims of abuse try to stand up,to face their abusesr and hold them accountable, theyre given a slap or hit to get them back in line,or an example will be made of others. The key point is they maintain is its our fault,and that we shouldnt dare stand up to them,lest we betray their loyalty,and in fact, we should be grateful to them, these are arguments reactionary make all the time. On the 21st of September there will be a march in London about climate change,and actually, this applies to all demos, I urge you to watch the coverage,if there is any, and note how police treat the people not marching from A to B,the breakaways, the radicals, how the head of the Met will say these protesters over here where great, the others ruined your march,this is,as Naomi Klein said is a attempt to create good protesters vs bad protesters the left gets angry at Sky news and BBC covering anarchists instead of them,when they never intended to cover the main march,the left never get angry at the medias portrayal used to divide us,this leads to some marchers doing the polices job for them,when we should be supporting radicals, not condemning them. They are not mindless, their actions are will thought out, and you may find when SHTF, you will need these people, they have skill outside of protests, they do things in their community that we will need in a crisis,revolution or collapse. Survivors of abuse need to help each other,the psychological damage they do is something we need to help each other with and realise our abusers and the culture they create for us is insane.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:04:43 +0000

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