Before I begin, I would like to ask for prayer for me. I am home - TopicsExpress


Before I begin, I would like to ask for prayer for me. I am home alone again tonight. Between my anxiety, prednisone, poison ivy and not having mom I hope I can sleep tonight. I feel the exhaustion hitting, but unfortunately my body knows all to well how to fight through it. It may take a horse tranquilizer to take me out, LOL. So mom, Fran Reed, said if her story is told that God is to get all the praise and the thanks for everything. He has made her a miracle anew. Her 2 sisters were at the hospital when Renee Loftis and I arrived today. They told us we would not believe our eyes. Man, they meant it. Upon taking just a couple of steps into moms room we noticed she was no longer on the ventilator. She saw us and began throwing her arms up, kicking her legs, and smiling the largest smile I have probably ever seen. Then she said, Hello. Renee and I looked at each other then back at mom with HUGE eyeballs and our jaws on the floor. Then we learned the sheath, the tubing/needle used for the catherization to go to her brain, was removed. She was supposed to keep that leg still for another 2 -3 hours. We were expecting to walk in and find some sort of damage somewhere. Not yet. They took her down for the MRI around 3. The doctor saw some blood on her brain still. As explained to me later on, he figured clinically she is making huge progress so the blood is old. He has ordered a CT scan for tomorrow morning. The MRI will also show how much of her brain was damaged from lack of oxygen for 2-3 hours. Anyway, she swallowed some water without problems. Then took a couple of pills without any problems. The nurse checked and said mom would be eating a heart healthy diet, but with normal consistency food. She ate more than 3/4 of her supper. We of course on our lunch outing had to get mom a Mocha. She got a headache, so along with the pain medicine they gave her for that they had to give her something for the MRI. She gets claustraphobic and has panic attacks. So she had a nice nap. They finally got her up to sit in the chair. This is where the problems come up. Her left side is weak. The nurses were trying to instruct her on how to sit down and she had to think to make her body make the movements needed. It took a couple of tries but she got it. So now our next milestones are: She has to get off the blood pressure medication completely. She has to take a walk with the physical therapist. And the CT Scan has to be performed and hopefully the outcome of it will be that it was old blood on her brain that has been absorbed, disappeared in whatever manner it does that. Once all of these are met she will be moved to the step-down unit. That will most likely happen tomorrow at some point. Shes ready to come home so she can be here Saturday to make my Birthday dinner. I already decided I was going to wait on that until she comes home. We have not heard a discharge estimated date. Her fight is back!! Shes become bossy again. Im eating it up. Its my mother and I would never trade her for anything. Again, we are giving God the praise and glory for this miraculous recovery. She was even able to describe to Renee and I what the stroke felt like. And until they sedated her to remove the blood clot, she was conscious and knew exactly what was going on and what the doctors were saying. She said she understood everything but couldnt speak. Her body had become paralyzed pretty much. But, Praise Be To God, it is no longer!! She is an awesome and stubborn woman. She said that God is not done with her yet. She wants this and her heart surgery story to be a witness to others that God is real and Prayer works!! Sandra Lewis Pringle I got the same feeling last night too. But without having laying eyes on mom I still worried and was anxious. I got the same peace and reassurance you did, but Im the baby and its my mommy. I will continue to update as often as is possible for me. I will have Savannah Loftis tomorrow evening so I should get to do an update earlier than these last few. I hope I havent repeated too much of what Renee has posted, but hey, its worth repeating. The nurses havent seen a patient recover from a stroke this quickly in a very long time. Moms one of a kind with Jesus in tow. :)
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:24:25 +0000

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