Before I begin my message, I will share with you that I have ONLY - TopicsExpress


Before I begin my message, I will share with you that I have ONLY taken a 3 month Ministers course, NEVER EVER taken or sat in 1 religion or theology class in my ENTIRE life He has been teaching me for over 40 years The last few years he has been speaking THROUGH me He is the ONLY loving dictater, and I dictates for him Some of the things I tell you I didnt learn, he had just told it to me I always dictate to you in REAL time. As soon as he gives it to me, I give it to you I believe he wants me to tell you what he said, right NOW, NOT later, because we serve an ON TIME GOD, not a NOW or LATER GOD His word is ALWAYS on time in our lives, so I cant be late giving it to you CCCCCCCCCCC COMPLETE Sin didnot just walk into the garden, it entered by Adam. Nothing happened until he ate the fruit. GOD ONLY kicked him out of the garden, NOT Eve He had to do this, because if he HADNT, his plan for REDEMPTION couldnt have happened. Ill explain it in FULL in another sermon Sin entered this world, by THE MAN, NOT man. It was able to enter, because he INTENTIONALLY left out an important ingredient when he made man, COMPLETE He made us WHOLE, but NOT complete A cake can be whole, but if something is missing, it is NOT COMPLETE He is complete and could have very easily made us complete, but that would had defeated his plan for us to WANT to be made complete We cant learn complete, this is something he has to do Matthew 19:26. So dont go to college thinking you can learn it, because it is not in any CURRICULUM CCCCCCCCCCC In Matthew 19, he tells a young rich ruler, if you want to be perfect (meaning complete), sell ALL you have and give it to the poor, you will have TREASURE in HEAVEN, then come and follow me He got mad and didnt do it, because he loved wealth MORE than GOD Then Jesus said to his followers, “The truth is, it will be very hard for a rich person to enter God’s kingdom. 24 Yes, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter God’s kingdom. In verse 25 Peter asks him, who then can be saved, he replied, with man this is IMPOSSIBLE, with GOD EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE This is why I say to have much in this life, is a CURSE packaged in blessings
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:05:35 +0000

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