Before I believe Bill Cosby rape of 30yrs ago at the height of his - TopicsExpress


Before I believe Bill Cosby rape of 30yrs ago at the height of his career with no form of evidence I will believe Kobe, Mike, and Tupac (whom must also be alive) also committed there alleged rapes at the height of there careers as well while at the same time countless woman throws there clothes and dignity away for such opportunities. I will also believe box cutter wielding terrorist hijacked 4 commercial aluminium planes simultaneously which struck $2.3 billion dollar buildings leaving airplane cookie cut outs despite having wings so fragile a human cant walk on them and subsequent office fires caused free fall speed demolition and total destruction of steel which melts at 2500° F and despite all that somehow a hijackers passport is found on the ground unscathed. I will also believe building 7 was blown down by the big bad wolf. I will also go on to believe USA comes in peace when we go to other 3rd world countries with guns, money, religion, and vaccines. And to top it off I will believe Obama is Martin Luther Kings dream in the flesh and he deserved his noble peace prize just months in office despite warring with over 6 nations, continued use of GITMO, torture, patriot act, and killing people with unmanned flying deadly robot drones. Yes my friends I believe it all and that new Aaliyah movie deserves an Academy award for best motion picture. Ohhh how I wish I could make a movie like that one day... To reiterate previous status: Television is more dangerous than an atomic bomb
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:55:19 +0000

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