Before I call it a night, I sat down and watched Gangs of New York - TopicsExpress


Before I call it a night, I sat down and watched Gangs of New York again for the first time in a long while. The first time I watched the movie I was paying close attention to the corruption of Tammany Hall. This time I watched for an entirely different reason. There is a scene at the Ship Yard, the Irish are pouring off the boats (quoted as 15,000 per week due to the potato famine) and the NATIVES are throwing objects at them and telling them to go home. At the edge of the landing sits Union recruiters who are simultaneously bestowing the newcomers citizenship and enlisting them in the army. Déjà vu?? Do I have your attention yet? My point? We need only to look at history to realize that we have a Government that has no hesitation in manipulating a situation for its own benefit. The leaders of Tammany Hall spoke greatly of their sympathetic reasons for welcoming the immigrants to the shores ( while standing on the dock with VOTE FOR ME cards). After both the army and politicians got what they wanted from these people, they turned their backs on them and left them to a life of squalor in the Five Point section of New York. They didnt welcome them for Humanitarian reasons. They. Did. Not. Give. One. Damn. Again, Déjà vu... Are you beginning to see a similar pattern? My reason for writing this post is not to open a discussion among us of the situation on the border as to who is right or wrong. Im attempting to not even place my OWN views on the situation here. No... What I want to point out is that now, just as in history, the STATE is once again playing the shell game with its public. They are causing division with there own agenda, but, one cant quite decide what that agenda is. How can we? The MSM ensures that outcome by only conveying what their CORPORATE bosses allow them. In order to see it for what it is, one must be willing to invest time and energy and research the subject itself. A large percentage of Americans are simply too apathetic to do this. If they did, they might very well discover that not only are situations manipulated, they are very often CREATED. We can argue all day about whether or not the immigrants should be here. Im simply pointing out what we should be asking is WHY? If your logical answer leads you to believe they are here because of a political agenda? Then blame the Government. If your logical answer leads you to believe they are here do to a failure to secure borders? Then blame the Government. If your logical answer leads you to believe they are here because borders shouldnt exist and they are only people seeking a better life? Once again, you can blame the government. The common factor in ANY view of this situation? THE GOVERNMENT... We are much too busy fighting one another when we should be fighting THE GOVERNMENT. Take a lesson from history folks. The corrupt at Tammany Hall let the Irish fight one another. Im not asking anyone to see it as I do. Im asking you to see Yourselves and the part we all play by allowing this Government to manipulate us the way they do. [a test for you : when you watched Gangs of New York, were you pulling for Leonardo or were you pulling for the BUTCHER? Did you SEE the way the STATE was manipulating those people and wondering why they COULDNT see it???? Apply your response to the movie to your response in this current situation. Are they the same? Why or why not?] Déjà vu History IS repeating itself... If you are a conservative, you dont fear the immigrants. You HATE TAXES... You arent angry with children and people that dont speak the language. You are angry with your GOVERNMENT. We ANARCHOs are only pointing this out. If you are a liberal, you often have your heart in the right place, but, your hands on the wrong pocketbook. You want to cure this situation vicariously THROUGH Government. [You arent angry with Government. You are angry with Conservatives.] You can both be angry with me. Im fine with that. Im directing my anger where it belongs: directly toward DC. So, have a lovely day and STOP TRUSTING ( you guessed it ) YOUR GOVERNMENT! 🎩
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:35:20 +0000

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