Before I came to Barbados, I fell in love with a society I did not - TopicsExpress


Before I came to Barbados, I fell in love with a society I did not know. Through observation, I realized a lot of people lost faith in the society which is the primary motivation why I decided to contest the post, to restore that which was lost and to improve the quality of life for each student. I am Jutina Wilson, a second year law student advocating for change. I am not here to sell you a pie in the sky and make promises of things that can not come to fruition. I am sick and tired of people failing to complete their tasks. I am sick and tired of people feeling as though they are entitled to things. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of things that could have been implemented but weren’t. Aren’t you sick of it too? Therefore, it is time we realize that the law society is not the face of a particular group of people. It is time we put integrity over popularity. It is time we place the interest of the society over nationality. It is time we moved onwards as a people for the betterment of all. The time has come to embrace change, laying a firm foundation for the future, our academic and social pursuits at the forefront of it all. You don’t need a title to be a leader, you need a vision, without which the people will perish. My visions are simple, achievable and comprised of the fabric the law society lacks.The very first initiative is the launching of what I called, the Old Law Students Association but later changed the name to P.A.L.S. The basis of this establishment is to reinforce the idea that the society on a whole is a welfare. As the name dictates, the target audience is essentially past students and this will stand as a fund. This will serve to provide mini scholarships, book grants amongst other essential condiments which are essential to the over all growth of the individual. Im not just words, I know this would be a difficult task to overcome, and a lot of the times why the initiatives on the manifestos arent met is simply because the leaders become complacent and comfortable. I did not wait to act. I have started to act. It is time I tell you for actions to speak louder than words. I contacted Mr. Cumberbatch, who notified me that he has absolutely no reservations in contributing to the fund and would also play a part in contacting Professor Antoine-Bell who has a listing of prospective contributors. In addition, Ms. Lana Ashby stated, and I quote, …very wise idea and I will be willing to contribute in any way possible (financial or otherwise), and of course, I contacted the ever comical Mr. Westmin James, who, when asked stated mhmm. To which I responded mhmm sir and he reassured by stating, no problem. Second initiative coined was termed under the law scope. We are law students and as such we should be able to transfer our knowledge from out of the classroom and apply it to the real world, real issues, essentially, these will be seminars with legal experts so to speak. The third initiative, creation of internships. There are 671 pages in the directory, and so far 78 legal offices listed. Why I went through gathering this information? For you. The days of perusing the directory may have come to a halt, but the substance of the motive has not changed. Again, I have taken the steps, through the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs to have letters sent to every single person and office that I have on my list so far. Fourth initiative, reformation of the book loan system. Now they told me it couldnt be done. They say a lot of things can not be done, but I did not accept what they said, I launched out on my own. For 3 days in a row and every Fridays afterwards, I stalked Mr. Junior Brown because I was determined to have the issue affecting a lot of students aired. As expected, he got tired of me, which I used to my advantage. Of course I alerted him of the countless revolutionaries currently present in the law society and presented him with an ultimatum, stipulating the most one month. I told him, the only way you are going to get me to stop bothering you is when all the things that I have proposed have taken place, Ill see you on Friday sir. In addition to the book loan system, CARILAW is accessible from our own personal computers and extended law hours is currently being discussed. Like Mr. Brown got tired of me, so did the maintenance department. Of course I drafted a proposal and of course I presented it, regardless of the fact that Mr. Warnton (head of maintenance) was absent. As you can guess, pretty soon he will get tired of me too, because I will not stop. Too many times I have to walk into the bathroom and hold my breath or just simply not utilize the facilities for which we are billed because of the stench emitting. That too will be adjusted very soon. Everyone in that department will get tired of me until the students get what they deserve. Law week is an integral part of the society, as most of the fundraising activities take place in that week. One of the biggest gaps in this week, is that it is solely concentrated on us and what we can get. What about what we can give to others? This leads me to my initiative of Law for a Cause. We need to show others that we lead by example and we are not a selfless society, be it a walk for cancer, volunteering at homes or even a simple donation to the someone in need. Amongst these initiatives are continuation of the ones already in place and finding ways to improve them - be it mentor ship, peer helpers etc. In addition to the post of Law Representative is that of Constitutional Chairperson. The role of the constitutional chair exceeds that of just acting as the guardian of the Guild Constitution, it also encompasses administrating over all Guild meetings which will facilitate the efficient and smooth functioning of the Guild. In addition, too many times we have heard of things going unaccounted for, therefore stringent measures are to be implemented to deal with failure of any member of the council, who can not account for or has derogated from their duty. In closing, I am not propelling that I know everything. If you fail to refuse the change, then even if I lose, I wouldve won. So for the last time I will chant, Above the Influence: Integrity Over Popularity. Interest of the Society Over Nationality, because in order to serve the people you have to understand the people. On March 13, 2013, put ur ‘X’ beside Jutina Wilson. The BEST is yet to come!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:20:27 +0000

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