Before I close the lid for awhile I wanted to re-post this fund - TopicsExpress


Before I close the lid for awhile I wanted to re-post this fund raiser for the benefit of some special people who all of us in Provincetown know; and to say that having been in this situation where I lived in Childrens Hospital with my youngest son, Eben,(who has since passed away) , I know about all the little, unanticipated, needs of a family thrown out of their usual routine and into one that is foreign and scary. Hospital Time is different from any other clock in the universe. There are excruciatingly long periods of waiting without answers, pacing, and pleading while youre trying to stay close to your sick and frightened kid, trying to keep him hopeful when you feel like you cant bear his pain or the fear in his eyes one more second without giving yourself away. And then theres the tug of war in your heart when you need to sneak away just for a minute...for coffee, a phone call, a walk to the chapel, or to break down in the nearest bathroom. The travel back and forth. The expenses piling up until having a sandwich in the cafeteria, or buying a magazine, newspaper or crossword puzzle book feels extravagant. There is so much to it that is hard to think of if you havent been in the situation. Prayer, cards, and positive energy sent in your direction never go unappreciated though , at times, it is impossible to keep up with all the thank yous you feel are necessary and well-deserved.. Brenden seems to be doing better today, but, as anyone who has ever had a child in the hospital knows, you dont feel relief until those discharge papers are in your hand, your family and your child is in your car, and youre looking at the hospital through your rear-view mirror. Please help if you can in any way you can. Love heals.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:35:04 +0000

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