Before I continue this write up, I need to acknowledge the Creator - TopicsExpress


Before I continue this write up, I need to acknowledge the Creator for adding another inportant year to my age. Not everyone has lived to see the light if this day and count myself among the blessed who still live in the GLORY. I have come a long way. I started small, gone through lifes challenges and enjoyed some successes too. The journey from childhood till now has not been all that rosy. I had very strict parents and family set up that puts a lot of strain on you. My upbringing was based on strict principles. You need not go contrary to the laid down status quo of the family tree. I had my own issues when I was maturing in age. I questioned several rules and decisions. I had issues with my outspoken attitude. Petty conflicts with family folks who portrayed me to be difficult and overconfidence. I learnt about understanding the old proverb which states if you go to Rome, you do what the Romans do. I was under their full protection and they had principles of running the home. I had no business always questioning. So I learnt to obey laws even as a growing young boy. Christianity and Methodism has being the underlying principles of this family. I was born into it and you dare not despise living a morally upright life that conforms to the dictates of Christianity as a way of life and Methodism as my religious foundation. Why? Simple. A dad who is a society steward and a local preacher and a mom who holds a senior executive position all in the Methodist church. The challenge was huge. I had my own flaws trying to live according to the norms of family values. That made me human but I bet I havent been disappointing. My school days has been very interesting. I argue that I had been through the best channel of education Ghana can boast if and was privilege to attend the best schools available. Achimota Prim and JSS, Mfantsipim School and the University if Ghana. I gained enormous knowledge going through school. Schism oat taught me to be independent and responsible and be able to live in peace and harmony with people from diverse backgrounds. Botwe taught me to Think Ahead and gave me a single school rule which states A breach of common sense us a breach if school rules that has been my guiding principles that common sense reigns. UG exposed me to diverse ways of managing oneself in relation to time management, personal discipline and idealistic principles. It also taught me how to question ambiguous things and expect proactive answers. Working experience has exposed me to different approaches in handling task and learning from each other. Teamwork and tolerance was also acquired in full at this stage. Thinking off the cuff on how to solve problems has also been a principle and being vocal and articulate for your voice to be heard for the betterment of all and sundry has been my drive. I have come a long way, I have experienced sorrows, pain, stress, depression, chastising, hatred and all other negative persecutions but in all this, I see my entire life worthwhile, I know and believe I have influenced and motivated several others positively. I appreciate what God has done for me and I look at my state now and say Thank you Lord Jesus for adding another year to my already acquired age. I sit and continue to count my blessings and name them. I sit and appreciate the grace that I have enjoyed with no strings attached. I sit and say I have come this far because the is a True Living God that oversees to my well being. What more can I ask for? What more can I voice out than to say Praises and Adoration belongs to the Most High. I need not ask for anything than just say Let Your Will be done thank you, Lord Jesus. Happy birthday to TAYLORS CORNER. GM
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:03:06 +0000

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