Before I hit post I re-read and said, Father this is not my normal - TopicsExpress


Before I hit post I re-read and said, Father this is not my normal tone and normal writing - tell me if I am to post. The words come ... you are called to not be normal. Normal is not working. I am an addict Series #1 The head is spinning and the gut is saying go so lets crank (no pun intended) this here is the tater truck up and see where she stops. You are of value. You have something to give. Despite where you are ... right now ... there is a way. Yep, few make it back out, but you can experience freedom from the chains that you carry. Okay, that was sort of sweet and has some taste of encouragement - all true. But with the sweet truth ... also comes the portion that most of the world now wants to butter up in love without accountability and do not judge me - in order to try to say - yeah, I am a selfish jerk that feeds on everyone, but do not point it out because I am hopeful that I can live like hell and the world will love me anyway .... Hogwash that is delivered by people that pluck truth to suit them and unfortunately preached by so-called Preachers that want to be popular and have more interest in numbers in pews than Heaven. Okay, now that I have pissed off a few - you have just experienced 2 separate paragraphs that illustrate what it takes to break the chains of addiction - you have to touch the love enough to be able to face the nasty truth ... filtered by your heart. You gotta hate ... despite what the flower child world is telling you - you have to hate EVIL and you cannot swallow in the new trend of accept everything and co-exist with evil and darkness. If you do not HATE evil - you will never leave it. BUT, in order to truly hate evil ... you have to taste love ... and there is only One love that can possibly filter the hate of evil into love again. I know ... a little tough to digest. And with that swallow, I need to pause in this series to preface. You are reading words of a piece of crap. Hows that for a disclaimer? I am a dude that wears a cross around my neck, prays, sometimes stand behind pulpits, speaks to thousands, hands His Healing to those who truly seek it, BUT ... for those that dont really know me ... I mess up big and often. If you know me - I didnt have to tell you. I dont have to tell the One of the Cross that I wear and sometimes bear - He sees it. But, there is one thing that I know that I know - Addiction can be healed! The chains can be broken! Freedom is truly available! Being an addict sucks! Dope ... all of it ... kills that value and purpose that we are designed. Okay, I am not that good of a fellar but I know someone who is. Before the I am an addict continues - lets also lay a few more taters on the table - I am not interested in wooing the stain hidden white robes with thee and thou lingo in this series. I am speaking to folks, of a world that I came, that have something within them that turns off the listing of oh, I can quote scripture language. But, make no mistake ... the words ... if worthy of healing ... come from Him and His Word. I can already tell that the guided keyboard pecks will be over the edge of political correctness and will stir the darkness. Though I try to not hammer the ones that have no clue in dealing with bondage, I will call you out ... and kick your tail, if necessary, if you step into this series with comments that will hurt an addict that seeks answers to their freedom. Hows that for political correctness? This series has been laid upon me, to help people who have been misguided and confused - and days of patience with folks that want to candy coat this life of hell - are few. Please feel free to give your insight, but I will not debate points that I know that I know are truth and are critical for someones break of the bondage. The price to too high and the rate of addiction is too high. Lets not travel too far on this first tater delivery or you may not want to passenger with me next time. I do want to give one point that was one of the hardest ones for me to swallow in my journey - Old Playmates and Old Playgrounds have to go - at least for now. I know ... the friends that you have are the only ones that you know and the only ones that accept you. They will possibly think low of you for not being a part. You, again, need to know who you are - you are a drug addict ... you have given your life to a poison ... you dont think too highly of yourself, living this kind of life - how much lower could they think of you? Oh, I know - one of the toughest things I had to do - walk away from the ones that had joined me on this journey of addiction. They thought that I thought I was better. That was not the case - they didnt know it, but I knew I had to find the way out and I prayed that I could find the way ... so I could come back and beg them to please come to the Way of a new life. You have to first walk away because YOU are worthy of a new life. Then the others, who have the courage, will follow. As bad as it hurts ... if you want to experience the freedom that awaits ... you have to walk away. Tonight, go outside. Light a match and lay on something that will not burn. Your match will overtake a small portion of the darkness that surrounds you ... and then the light ... that you carry ... will soon diminish ... and the darkness will again surround you. As an addict you will only carry a slight and short lived flame ... for a time ... at least for 1 year. If you go into the darkness, you will be overtaken. if you find yourself in the darkness ... you look up and you will see the only light that can overtake the darkness that surrounds you. It will tell you and it will guide you to leave. Okay, enough for one day. I too, shall walk away, but Lord willing ... I shall be back. I come back ... not for me, because I have tasted the freedom. I come back ... because He tells me to ... so that you too may taste the freedom as the chains fall ... And they shall fall - In whose name? You call it ... you claim it ... and it shall be!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:36:26 +0000

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