Before I put this spell on here, let me says some words about it. - TopicsExpress


Before I put this spell on here, let me says some words about it. It is a Power Spell (The book is called Power Spells, and it was written by Lexa Rosean.) and its called Spell To Kill Your Boss. No, it doesnt really kill your boss. But, damn, if its done right, it super screws up his or her life to the point of no return. I was working for the Alamogordo Public Schools part time in 2009. I was warned by many of the teachers there at North Elementary that I should never put myself in a position of having to go before the Human Resources woman because (as THEY put it) she was extremely racist against African Americans and Hispanic people. Well, it just so happened that I went before her and she lived up to her reputation right away. Everyone who knows me KNOWS that I speak my mind. So I told her what I just told you, that nearly everyone I spoke with told me to never put myself in the position of having to go before her because they said she was a racist. Wow, if her head could spin 360 degrees, it would have. She started turning pink, then light purple, then her face turned so dark purple, I thought she was having a stroke or something. She started screaming about, how dare I call her a racist and stuff, and I quietly and calmly told her that it wasnt me whod said it, that I was just repeating what had been told to me. After she blasted me with her racist anger (I am Hispanic), she told me she didnt think I was a good fit for the job anymore and dismissed me. I took my issue to the Superintendent at the time, Mike Harris. Guess which horse he backed? Yeah, the racist horse. I was angry, and dug out this spell to use on her, not fully realizing at the time that the actual person who signed off on my paychecks was HIM! Oops. His life started snowballing out of control the next day and you can read about the outcome (of the end of his career, anyway) at this link: abqjournal/12965/abqnewsseeker/updated-at-730am-alamogordo-school-superintendent-mike-harris-resigns.html. It should be down at the very bottom of this post. No word on whether his family fired him or not. Sorry for all the words, but the spell is almost just as long as my rant here! LoL So, here it is, word for word. Ingredients: 9 eggplants 9 boxes of toothpicks an oven mitt todays newspaper combat boots or work boots The modern religion of Wicca, which has been greatly influenced by Judeo-Christian values, strongly advocates a hands-off, turn-the-other-cheek, do-what-you-will-yet-harm-none approach to magic. I myself have reminded my readers of this in past books as well as warning them of the old law of karma that whatever you do will come back at you three- or tenfold times. And I still believe that it is good to practice these rules, or at least consider them carefully before you act on a magical level. However I also think that the original practice of good old-fashioned witchcraft contained a lot of good old-fashioned downright vexatious spells. Scary stuff. Why else do you think the medieval inquisitors burned so many of those witches? Because they were Pollyannas in ruby slippers? No way. It was because they were badass babes--provocative and powerful, wonderfully wicked wisenheimers! Another saying of the witches that is not spoken as loudly as Do what ye will . . . is A witch who cant hex, cant heal. Thats right. Sometimes you just gotta flaunt your stuff. So if you feel the need--hex away! I also want to point out that in the numerous interviews I conducted in order to write this book, this spell was the number-one request. It was asked for by men and women in all types of professions. There were even two requests from people who were self-employed! (Huh?!) I myself worked for a repulsive hag of a boss for years, not to mention having to put up with jealous and incompetent witch wannabes as co-workers. So what do you say we put on our inquisitor hats and burn these bosses at the stake? Some more words before we begin. If you have just been fired or want to quit because you hate your boss so bad, it is probably imperative that you perform this spell. Otherwise you might become a homicidal maniac and act out in a real-world way that could ruin your life and land you in jail. Believe me, you dont want to do that. Matters such as these are much better performed in the magical realm. Dont waste your life by really killing your boss. If you hate him or her that badly, I am quite convinced that he or she must be a completely miserable, horrible person. Getting fired by or quitting working for this boss will be a blessing (not even in disguise) for you. Better that you get out of the quagmire, for it is only a matter of time before someone like your boss comes toppling down because of his or her own dirty deeds. Why not just do a little magic to hasten the inevitable? . . . Now for the spell. Obtain nine small eggplants. Nine is the number of endings and eggplants are symbolic of death. Stuff a whole box of toothpicks in each of the eggplants and call out all the curses you wish to fall upon your boss as you prick the eggplants with the wooden pins. {my words: After about a box, my fingers started getting blisters. I found it helpful to wear thick work gloves and shove the toothpicks in by bunches, instead of one at a time.} These toothpicks are fuel for the fire. They represent little yet powerful stakes. (So many things at stake. Especially your sanity.) After you have sufficiently cursed each and every eggplant, place them all in the oven and set it on broil. Remember how badly youve been burned by this bad boss. Send all that heat back from whence it came. Roast the eggplants for about ninety minutes until they are thoroughly toasty and grilled. No, wait, until they are completely charred.! Let them cool slightly while you put on a pair of steel tipped combat boots. Spread the obituary section of todays newspaper on the counter. Using gloves or an oven mitt, remove the eggplants and lay them over the obits. Roll or fold up the paper with the eggplants inside. Go outdoors and place the parcel on the ground. Pound the f--k out of them with your combat boots. Grind them into the ground until they become a pulpy, harmless mush. End the ritual by rolling up the newspaper and burying it in a trashcan or dumpster. (I dont think this boss deserves proper funeral rites.) Follow up by taking a bath in saltwater to purify yourself and eat a hardboiled egg to symbolized your wonderful new beginning. Now, if the gods are good, you may hear some tragic news about your boss. Something along the lines of the terrible news we heard here in NYC about someone who had been lording over the good citizens of Manhattan for years. This news was so bad that it stopped him from advancing himself to a national level of government. Im not saying witchcraft had anything to do with that. Im not saying it didnt either. All Im saying is you may or may not hear of any tragic news concerning your boss. That is up to the gods. But I guarantee you will have a good old-fashioned healing, cathartic, cleansing, and empowering experience in those combat boots! {my words: During the time that I stomped those eggplants, I also burned a very powerful incense. As this is taking up so much room already, I will put that recipe in my next post. Until then, Blessed Be.}
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:18:06 +0000

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