Before I start, I thought Id post this, its long but I hope you - TopicsExpress


Before I start, I thought Id post this, its long but I hope you like it! *Language warning, mentions of Firewhiskey, very drunk Marauders and a very awkward lap dance* Way back I wrote this for fun, idk tell me what you think! So, why did The Marauders miss their graduation from Hogwarts? It wasnt because of James strange Quidditch fetish, it wasnt because Sirius was off snogging some girl, and it wasnt because Peter was in the kitchens, nor was it because Remus was absorbed in a book. It was because the older Gryffindors were completely and utterly hungover. Recalling memories of that evening was a struggle for any member. It had started with Sirius suggesting a good old fashioned game of Spin The Bottle the idea had been completely scrapped when James had to kiss Peter. James had looked horrified while Peters ears had turned an impossible shade of red due to embarrassment. Sirius had laughed until he cried while Remus had hit Sirius hard over the head with the nearest book. The rest of the group had rolled their eyes at the friend’s shenanigans and waited for them to move on from the joke. James suggested a game of Truth or Dare, which the whole group decided could result in less embarrassment. However, in hind sight, they would have stuck with Spin The Bottle; if anyone was reminded about what was said or acted on would provoke them to take a long walk of the short edge of the astronomy tower. If the dare was refused, the person was not allowed to wash their underwear for a month. If the person forfeited the dare, they were forced to streak through the halls of Hogwarts, hoping to avoid the teachers, or Peeves for that matter. If they felt brave enough to choose a truth they would take a small sip of Veritaserum and hope they were not asked anything that would invade their personal lives. Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Alice Prewett, Marlene McKinnon and Frank Longbottom were all seated in their circle of shame waiting for the game to commence. The group had a large supply of Firewhiskey to share which had to disappear before their graduation. James smiled Guess Ill start, eh? One, two, three. The group of friends counted until Sirius ended up landing on twenty-one. James asked Truth or dare? Sirius smirked “Dare. James barely took a second to spit out I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room. Sirius shrugged and kissed his own arm. James wore a confused expression. Sirius merely smirked in response Well, obviously Im the hottest person in the room, my dear. Before James could make a sarcastic remark, Lily interrupted. Why did you just call him dear? Sirius laughed Private joke, ginger one, private joke. The group proceeded to count to twenty-one which this time landed on Remus who rolled in his eyes. Sirius grinned deviously “Truth or Dare, Moony?” Remus replied “Dare.” Sirius sat in silence for a few minute before announcing “I dare you to tell Peter’s cousin you’re in love with her.” Peter exclaimed “You’re in love with my cousin?” Remus replied quickly “No, no. I don’t even know your cousin, I’ve met her once. I don’t even know her name!” Sirius grinned “Yes, that’s what makes it better. She’s that hot blonde Hufflepuff-” Peter interrupted “My cousin isn’t blonde!” “Who have I been saying hello to in the corridor for the past year?” Sirius frowned in confusion. “I don’t know but that’s not my cousin. Besides, I don’t even have a cousin; I just call her my cousin. She’s a family friend.” Peter replied. “On second thought, I’ll change to a truth.” Remus said. “Perfect!” Sirius said handed him the vial of Veritaserum which he took a small swig from. “What’s one thing you’d never admit to me?” Words from Remus’ lips before he could stop them “I love-” Remus looked like he was trying to hold back a sneeze to prevent what he was saying from tumbling through his lips. Marlene yelled “Cheater! Just spit it out!” Remus choked out “The Beatles.” Sirius laughed “I knew it! You’d refused to admit my music taste had rubbed off on you!” “Shut up.” Remus spat and attempted to hit Sirius with his book. This time Frank ended up landing on twenty-one. “Frank, I dare you to run to the kitchen and back.” Marelene said. Frank stood up from his position on the floor “Piece of pi-” “I’m not finished,” Marlene cut in “You have to run in just your underwear.” Frank blushed “Are you serious?” “No, I am!” Sirius interrupted. The whole group groaned at Sirius’ pathetic attempt at a joke. There had been more than a few eye-rolls in result of the joke. “You either run with underwear or without.” Marlene shrugged. Frank sighed stripping off his clothes. “Why did I even think for a moment this would be fun?” He muttered darkly. Everyone had chuckled at the sight of Frank folding his arms across his chest muttering under his breath angrily in just his boxers. The group poked their heads through the portrait hole to watch Frank run into the distance. Moments later they quickly sealed the hole when they heard a shrill voice yell “Mr Longbottom, what is the meaning of this?” When Frank returned to the common room, he had a cloak over his shoulders and looked incredibly embarrassed. He announced “They are writing a letter to my parents because they can’t give me detention!” The group laughed at Frank’s humiliation as he pulled on his trousers and shirt, bitterly muttering under his breath. Marlene reached twenty-one next. She grinned “Finally.” Sirius asked “Truth or dare?” She replied “Dare.” Sirius didn’t hesitate, “I dare you to kiss Lily Evans.” James threw Sirius a filthy look. “You’re telling another girl to kiss my girlfriend?” James exclaimed. “Yeah, why not?” Sirius replied, his face dead serious. No pun intended. Marlene stood up and kissed Lily’s bright ginger hair and sat back down in her seat. Sirius’ jaw dropped. “You never specified where you wanted me to kiss her.” Marlene said with a devilish grin. Alice was next. She was not particularly close friends with The Marauders and only knew them in passing. She was only in the circle because Frank happened to be close friends with them. Lily asked “Truth or Dare?” Alice replied with a shrug “Truth.” Lily didn’t want to ask too deeply into Alice’s life because Alice barely knew the people she was sitting with. She handed the small vial to Alice who took a swig and placed back into the centre of the circle. Before Lily could ask her simple question of “When did you first start liking Frank?” Another person had yelled across the circle asking “When was the last time you and Frank were at it?” Lily looked at Sirius in disgust for embarrassing a girl he barely knew but he shot her a look that said “It was worth it.” Alice blurted out “Last week.” She covered her mouth in shock; Frank however, wore a smug expression and looked particularly impressed with himself. James clasped him on the back and laughed “Good going, mate.” The next turn was Peter, whom was certainly unprepared. “Truth or dare Pete?” Frank asked. “Dare.” He replied, without hesitation. “You called it,” Frank replied, a glint in his eye “I dare you Peter Pettigrew, to sit throughout the rest of this game in a pink thong.” James and Sirius both grimaced and shuddered at the same time while Peter turned an impossible shade of purple. “Problem is Frank; I don’t own a pink thong. So really-” “I do, I don’t want it back afterwards, though.” Marlene cut in. Horror flashed across Peter’s face as he knew he couldn’t get out of the dare. “Don’t make me do this.” Peter whined. Frank shrugged “Quite Frankly-” “Are you serious, Frank?” Alice interrupted. Frank smirked “No, but he is.” Then pointed to Sirius who chuckled in response. “Anyhow, you don’t have to do this Peter but you have to run the halls naked.” Peter groaned “Get me the thong.” When Marlene returned she pinged the thong over to Peter who disgracefully failed to catch the flying piece of underwear. He picked it up from the floor and kept his head down in shame as he made his way to the bathroom. When Peter emerged from the bathroom, he was nothing but a pink thong which was incredibly too tight on him. The group sniggered and gave horrified glances and Peter sat back down in the circle. He mumbled something barely audible but sounded very similar to “Kill me now.” The group continued with their game trying to ignore the fact Peter was in summary, stark naked besides a pink thong. James received the dare and Sirius clapped. “I’ve been waiting for this! I’ve had time to think about this. Since yourself and Lilyflower-” “Sirius! I told you not to call me that!” she interrupted, raising her voice. “Whatever, James I dare you, to give Lily a lap dance.” James slapped a hand to his face and Lily’s face matched the colour of her fiery red hair. “Excuse me, Sirius. Did I hear you right?” “If you heard giving Lily a lap dance, then yes. Yes, you did.” “Do you accept? I would be staggeringly surprised if you didn’t.” “Dare it is.” Frank had pulled up a chair for Lily and patted her on the shoulder. “Good luck.” He whispered but it was just loud enough for James to hear. He flipped off Frank and made his way over to Lily. Sirius put “Play that music white boy” by James Brown on the record player. Lily scrunched up her nose in disgust as James made suggestive hip rotations and grinding movements on her lap in time with the music. The group were in a fit of laughter and cheered them on. James looked embarrassed and Lily looked more than horrified. When the song finished she pushed James from her lap and said “I love you but we have to agree you will never do that again.” That was the sentence which set the group into a new fit of laughter. When Lily finally got to twenty-one, Remus wore a sly expression. “Lily, truth or dare?” She replied “Truth.” “I was hoping you’d say that.” Remus laughed. “Oh Merlin, if you dare make me admit what I think what you want me to, I will personally slaughter you Remus Lupin!” “Oh but you won’t,” Remus chuckled handing the vial of Veritaserum to Lily. She took a small swig of the potion and placed it back into the centre. “Lily, I want you to admit when and why you started to fancy James.” Lily glared at Remus but could not stop the words falling from her mouth “I developed a crush when I saw him playing Quidditch in fifth year. I didn’t fully fancy him until sixth year when he started to mature, both physically and mentally.” Lily lunged for Remus and pinned him down. “I told you that I didn’t want him to know I liked his face!” Remus laughed pulling Lily from him and James was barely able to spit out “I knew she liked me before she sixth year. I bloody well knew it!” Lily glared and Remus and muttered “You wait, Remus. You wait.” The night continued with more embarrassing confessions and random acts of embarrassment. The members of the group continued to get more and more, drunk to try and blank out the horrifying outcome of the questions or acts they had to follow through with. There were a few occasions were the person would streak through the corridors hoping they would not be caught. Their last night in Hogwarts fun, however the last morning was not so kind. The boys were in their beds, drunkenly slurring how they would miss Hogwarts. Remus was only slightly tipsy showing his mature side. Sirius was still stumbling around the dorm. “Go to bed, Sirius.” Remus insisted for the fifth time. “Remus, I’m not drunk.” “Yeah, of course you’re not.” He told him patronisingly. “I’m not, I just need some help getting to bed.” Both James and Peter were collapsed on their beds sound asleep. Remus rolled his eyes and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Remus grabbed Sirius’ arm and dragged him into his bed. “I’m tired.” Sirius yawned. “But not drunk?” Remus asked sarcastically. “Exactly that.” Sirius replied not picking up on the sarcasm. “Of course not.” He laughed, ruffling Sirius hair. ***** “Wake up, it ten o’clock!” Remus mumbled. “Five more minutes.” James responded. “You have said that for the last hour, get up. We’re graduating, we can’t be late. If you’re not in the shower in five minutes, Merlin help me-” “Really, five more minutes.” He cut in. Remus made his way over to Sirius’ bed and shook him. “Wake up!” Sirius patted Remus on the nose in response. “What on Earth are you doing?” “Searching for a snooze button.” Sirius mumbled tiredly. Remus groaned and attempted to wake Peter who simply snored as a response to yelling in his ears. Remus was stressed. Remus hated to be stressed but the boys refused to move and they were going to miss graduation, there was no argument. They had precisely an hour to be ready. Remus was fully dressed but the other boys were either still drunk or too hungover to move. Remus tore the covers from James’ arms. James let out a loud yelp. “What the bloody hell was that?” “Incentive to move, get in that shower now.” James’ eyes widened in shock. A stressed Remus Lupin was not one to argue with. Remus continued to yell at the two other boys. The rest of the boys were in the common room, ready to graduate but the infamous Marauders were still in their dormitory getting ready. The boys were slow at getting ready and more than a couple curse words were throw at Remus who continuously nagged them to hurry up. Sirius’ socks were odd, James’ hair was messier than usual and Peter had his trousers on back to front. Remus continued to fret as the boys were a ‘complete mess.’ They had tidy themselves before they could even think about heading The Great Hall. By the time the four boys had ran down the stairs to The Great Hall, the doors were closing. They ran straight into the door, it had slammed in their faces. “Bugger it.” Remus cursed. They’d missed graduation. Gred And Forge
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:21:12 +0000

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