Before I start this rant first things first I am not trying to to - TopicsExpress


Before I start this rant first things first I am not trying to to cause debate nor am I trying to cause controversy I respect the opinions of others and there views so please respect mine full stop . Today marked the first day off the controversial shark culling saga Im sure everyone is aware. I make myself clear I do not believe I repeat I DO NOT BELIEVE in killing innocent living creatures especially in there own environment and I do believe in exploring all other options and alternatives before even considering the act, but why ? is all I ask, why do we as people fall victim to the bandwagon so swiftly and easily yes ! its great to oppose a controversial matter until a suitable compromise can civilly be met but how often does that happen ? How often does the majority out rule the minority in Parliament House ? The great white shark is unfortunately an endangered species and we must do all we can to make sure we can ensure the great white shark still has a future just like any other endangered species, but I guess my point in this argument is why must we as people jump up and down and cry foul when a majestic creature such as a shark, whale or dolphin is in risk of harm - now that may come across as negligent or uneducated but it is a fact, I mean an example of where Im trying to go with my argument is that tuna or shrimp, are taken by the thousands a day, fine yes there is an abundance and plenty there ! But because the fish isnt so much of say a rarity or Ill use the word majestic again ! Does that mean the simple tuna or shrimp (just examples) doesnt carry the same entitlements as a sea creature like a great white shark does ? Yet the poor tuna only feeds on small fish and doesnt pose a risk to human life at all, unless the tuna you had for lunch out of a can made you sick, it poses no risk but the shark on the other hand is a predator and requires a much larger portion than small fish so it looks elsewhere to seals and bigger fish and unfortunately in a rare cases human beings, now the animal can not be at fault for its natural behaviours but, its like any threat in life sometimes we as human beings need to act fast and try and eliminate a problem before it becomes an incident Im not saying killing something is the answer but maybe these are the options we need to consider before an other life is lost. The shark nets are a great idea I dont know why we are not going ahead with the idea ! Maybe it can save a life or two but I just want to understand why does it take a few deaths and the threat of killing a few sharks for people excuse my French to start to give a shit if your going to protest or make an argument do it because no alternatives have been considered yet, before starting a witch hunt and pointing fingers, why is no one willing to sit down with mr Barnett and say well hay before you even consider culling sharks why dont we try this. Im only asking the question and sharing a view.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:29:20 +0000

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