Before I update the Benghazi record for today, lets sum up some of - TopicsExpress


Before I update the Benghazi record for today, lets sum up some of what we know... On Sept. 11, 2012, Christopher Stevens is the first US Ambassador killed in the line of duty in 33 years. Three members of Stevens staff (Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty) were also killed while valiantly fighting for their lives and calling for help for many hours that would never come. The last Ambassador we lost prior to Stevens was Adolph Dubs, who was Jimmy Carters Ambassador to Afghanistan. Dubs was killed during a gunfight stemming from an attempt by friendly, otherwise reasonable Islamists to kidnap him. As the Benghazi attack unfolded, President Obama couldnt be bothered. He went to bed to get his beauty sleep for the following days schedule of fundraising for himself. At the time, hes running for a second Presidential term on a platform that includes Al Qaidas on the run and Ive restored our status in the world. SecState Hillary Clinton? Well, we still dont officially know where she was. Despite her claim that shes answered every Benghazi question put to her, she hasnt answered this one. State Dept. employees on the ground in Libya have testified under oath they knew almost immediately that this was a massive, coordinated, competent ,well-armed attack. They reported this back to DC and various command centers across the globe as it was happening. They also testify that the Benghazi attack occurs after weeks of warning signs they reported back to DC along with repeated requests for additional security but were ignored by the smartest, most competent President in American history and his extremely capable Secretary of State. Rather than trust boots-on-the-ground reporting, the Obama Admin says they decided to go with a report from some analyst surfing the web back in the US who says its an obscure, ridiculously stupid YouTube video mocking the prophet Mohammed that caused a protest which led to the attack in Benghazi. UN Ambassador Susan Rice pushes this narrative in the media for two terrorism, just a bunch of friendly, otherwise reasonable Muslims who were out for a stroll with their AK-47s and RPGs when they were suddenly provoked into a homicidal rage by a YouTube video no one has ever heard of or seen all of which just coincidentally goes down on the anniversary of 9/11/2001, and by the way, we deeply apologize to the Muslim world that said obscure video posted by an absolute nobody offended you. And a majority of the mainstream media accepts it all without question. Meanwhile, there exists no sense of urgency within the Obama Admin to get investigators on the ground in Benghazi and no follow-up demanding to know the progress on the (non-existent) pursuit of the perpetraitors of the Benghazi attack. The YouTube narrative was eventually debunked and the Obama Admin had to concede that. However, Obama still claimed this was a judgement error due to a lack of information as to what really happened in Benghazi. Again, most of the mainstream media lapped it up. Today we learn that a couple days after the Benghazi attack, DOD - AFRICOM sent a memo with a list of terror suspects likely responsible none of whom were friendly, otherwise reasonable Muslims: foxnews/politics/2014/06/13/sources-dod-memo-sent-after-benghazi-attack-listed-suspects-with-al-qaeda-ties/?cmpid=app_pulse&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 15:28:29 +0000

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