Before Jesus came for the first time, there were an apostasy - TopicsExpress


Before Jesus came for the first time, there were an apostasy before people had the words of God but they didnt have the revelation out of it. People was expecting a messiah in the same rank as David who will re establish everything physically but they wasnt aware of the spiritual side, only few accounts recorded in the scriptures of people who recognize that he was surely the truth messiah and the son of God ; the first account is from the travelers who have come to worship the baby. These men, called magi, are astronomers and wise men who study the worlds great religious texts. where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? they ask on their arrival in Herods court. we saw his star when it roses and have come to worship him. Those magi was some very wealthy men who travel almost a thousand miles over rugged desert, following an extraordinary bright star that shines in the sky each morning. The second account recorded ; Mary , Joseph and Jesus were traveling quietly, not doing anything that would draw attention. Even so, two complete strangers-an old man and an old woman, both of whom knew nothing about this baby called Jesus on his fulfillment of the prophecy- saw him from across the crowded temple and came to him. The approaching old mans was Simeon, and he was of the belief that he would not die until he laid eyes upon the new king of the Jews. Simeon asked took, Jesus into his arms, he offered a prayer to GOd, thanking him for the chance to see this new king with his own eyes. Then Simeon handed Jesus back to Mary with these words : this child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too. At the very moment, a woman named Anna approached. She was an eighty-four-year-old widowed prophetess, who spent her waking hours in the temple, fasting and praying. She stepped forward and also praised Jesus. She loudly thanked God for bringing this special baby boy into the world. Then she made a most unusual claim, predicting to Mary and Joseph that their son would free Jerusalem from roman rule. The question is this ; what about all those people who were dwelling in the temple, synagogue , praying or fasting and other wealthy men. Where those people who bodily acknowledge Christ different than others ? NO they were the same human as you and me but what made them different is the spirit of expectations and a continual study on the words of GOD !!!! The sad part is that the same Jesus that people couldnt acknowledge as being the messiah promised that he will return but still many are taking it for granted, unfortunately even those who have heard about his testimony and profess themselves as Christians have taken this promise as another fable or myth ! Look my beloved I always say this to those who believe and those who dont believe ; the first time Yahushua( Jesus Christ ) come for the sinners but the second time he is coming for judgement in the kingdom of GOD as directed by the father himself but they are many fools who teach Jesus Christ instead of teaching his message though he said himself that he came to do his father will. Jesus Christ didnt preach about him, he didnt die to become famous ! He was already highly positioned in the host of heaven but because of love he decided to sacrifice himself to redeem us to get back to the father, to the glory that we have lost because of our own weakness. He was an example for us to follow in order to comprehend the kingdom of GOD that is about to come in a form of a restoration for human kinds ! Look beloved dont be caught up in your riches because you are not worthier than those magi who diligently study scriptures or neither you will never become wealthier than king Solomon himself who finally get deceive even though all the wisdom that God had granted him but by the covenant of God with his father he obtain mercy, you may have say I also have a covenant because of Jesus which will be so funny because trust me if you dont make God your first priority and obey him but you choose instead to obey Mammon, yes Mammon dont lie to yourself and be deceive cause you may say I dont really love money but how many times have you ever wake before sunset and thank the one who had created you but you have waked many times rush to go to work or going to fulfill something perishable. My beloved dont think that you can pray and fast more than John the Baptist because if they ask you to go in the middle of the desert in Saudi Arabia preach and announce the good news of the gospel by only eating honey and drinking juice you will never so it and say I better preach in an area of no danger and where the comfort of money and luxury is easily accessible. Look I know you are cant read my post but the second coming of The Lord is no joke, as a watchman my duty is to sound the trumpet and I will do it to the best ability I can but trust me one thing for sure the second coming of The Lord will be just like the day of Noah ; people drinking, working, getting married, doing all king of activities but when the flood come only 8 people were saved. Can you imagine that ? There is no times like some fools who are trying to figure out if Jesus Christ was black, white, reddish, brown or blue ! We dont care and all we care is about the person of Jesus himself and his teachings. So I have no time to play jokes here or care about what anyone think about my post but my worry is that as the apostle Peter said repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off - for all whom The Lord our GOD will call. Be bless beloved brother and sister
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:30:15 +0000

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