Before Napoleon thoroughly visited the Giza Plateau he was quoted - TopicsExpress


Before Napoleon thoroughly visited the Giza Plateau he was quoted saying this: “I am for the whites because I am white; I have no other reason, and that one is good,” he said. “How is it possible that liberty was given to Africans, to men who had no civilization, who did not even know what the colony was, what France was? It is perfectly clear that those who wanted the freedom of the blacks wanted the slavery of the whites.” They say when Napoleon did his military campaign in Egypt, he along with his soldiers and some artist visited the Giza plateau. They couldnt find the original entrance to the great pyramid, so he broke in and dug a hole until they met the grand gallery hallway. He visited each chamber within. When they reached the kings chamber, he requested to be alone inside the Great Pyramid while his soldiers waited outside! Hours later when he emerged from the pyramid, all of the color had drained from his face. He was ashen and looked absolutely shaken. People asked what happened? but he refused to talk about it and ordered that he never be asked again! Its said that shortly after that experience, he and his crew shot cannons at the negroid facial features of the Sphinx. The word Sphinx is not the name given to the sculpture by the residents. The people knew the sculpture as Abu el- Hol or Abu Huwa. Which translates into english as the father of power, the father of it all, or the the father of he who is! Napoleon restored slavery in Guadeloupe and French Guiana, arrested and imprisoned The great Haitian black general Toussaint L’Ouverature, attempted to restore slavery in Saint-Domingue, banned negroes and mulattoes from the soil of the French Republic, and criminalized miscegenation and interracial marriage in France: “Years later, questioned by his friend Truguet about what he had done in Saint-Domingue, an enraged FRENCH Bonaparte declared that, had he been in Martinique during the Revolution, he would have supported the English rather than accept an end to slavery. It is obvious to me that he must have realized something about the people he assumed and portrayed to be inferior!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:09:01 +0000

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