Before a journalist or columnist decides to go for the - TopicsExpress


Before a journalist or columnist decides to go for the eye-catching headline to increase traffic to their site, why not take a moment to reflect on the absurdity of such a headline. As a species, humans have been genetically testing and genetically modifying species for well over 12,000 years. Most have eaten sweet corn [corn on the cob], yet most would be surprised to know this is the original GMO food. Actual sweet corn has cobs about 3, maybe 4, inches in length with kernels slightly larger than rice. We GMOd corn over the past 12,000 years to get the cob and kernel size all of us are now familiar with. How about dogs? Every species of dog currently existing today has been genetically modified by humans. There is not a single breed of dog alive today that hasnt been. In other words, (and its ridiculous to even have to point this out since god(s) have no place in a scientific discussion) if the masses didnt believe it was playing god(s) when we genetically tested and modified other species, then by default, the same holds true for genetically testing or modifying humans. So before journalists and columnists decide to put a controversial sounding headline on their work, why not take a step back for a minute and contemplate the facts before posting something that forces any intellectual to lose all respect for you and what ever company decides to print/post the article. This is the equivalency of every media outlet reporting a few weeks ago that Stephen Hawking says there are no Black Holes, when that wasnt what he said at all, nor could it even be remotely interpreted as such... but because that was a great headline that all media outlets knew would pull in readers, 99.99% of all media outlets chose to go with it instead of reporting the FACTS in headline.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 06:50:07 +0000

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