Before answering questions, Osifu would like to talk about some - TopicsExpress


Before answering questions, Osifu would like to talk about some personal feelings. Osifu was nauseous for a long time last night and would like to eat nothing, just feeling queasy as any food came into sight. Such feelings had also happened before. It was several years ago when Osifu heard, for the first time, that human fatty oil was reportedly collected during the process of cremation at the crematorium and the oil, speculated by someone, flowed to dining tables, which had made Osifu sick and painful for a whole day. Some persons being made to eat corpse fat, thus what have human beings turned out to be? In recent years, Osifu has consulted a lot of information and no one has come forward to openly answer this question: Was human oil collected during the process of cremation at the crematorium? If so, then where has the human oil gone? Just the thought of that question would make Osifu feel sick. How could humankind behave like that? 昨天晚上恶心的原因是与人交流的过程中谈到了“人吃人”的话题,这个话题并不陌生,原来也谈过此类话题,也做过研究。昨晚又上网查阅了一些关于“人吃人”的文章、报道和历史资料。查阅之后心情十分复杂,人怎么可以这样?人怎么可以吃人? The reason why Osifu experienced nausea last night was that the topic about cannibalism in human beings was touched upon when communicating with others. The subject is hardly new because such topics have been talked about and also investigated before. Last night, Osifu accessed the Internet to consult some articles, reports and historical records about cannibalism in human beings. After the consultation, Osifu was filled with very complicated feelings. How could human beings act in that way? How could human beings practice cannibalism? 今天早上又看到了一个视频《时尚皮草背后的残酷》,活剥浣熊的视频,惨不忍睹,人怎么可以这么残忍? This morning Osifu watched a video The Cruelty behind Fashion Fur. It’s a video about skinning raccoons alive, which was too horrible to watch. How could humans be so cruel? 看完这个视频之后,Osifu再一次明确地要求:Osifu的学生必须戒杀吃素,Osifu的学生不允许穿皮草。 After watching the video, Osifu requires explicitly once again that Osifus students must abstain from killing and adopt vegetarian diet, and Osifus students are not allowed to wear furs. 地球文明发展到了今天,还是如此的落后野蛮。 Having developed to the present stage, earthly civilization is still so backward and barbaric. 地球文明发展到了今天,还是如此的残忍血腥。 Having developed to the present stage, earthly civilization is still so brutal and bloody. 地球文明发展到了今天,还是如此的愚痴蒙昧。 Having developed to the present stage, earthly civilization is still so ignorant and uncivilized. Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是文明吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is civilization? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是发展吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is development? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是发达吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is being developed? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是自由吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is freedom? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是平等吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is equality? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是博爱吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is universal love? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是和平吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is peace? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是平衡吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is balance? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是祥和吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is auspiciousness? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是光明吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is light? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是慈悲吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is compassion? Osifu要问一问地球人,你们知道什么是圆满吗? Osifu would like to ask earthly humans: Do you know what is perfection? 地球人! Earthmen! 我们应当明白: 我们是人!我们不能比动物还要落后野蛮! We should understand: We are human beings! We must not be even more backward and barbaric than animals! 我们是人!我们不能比动物还要残忍血腥! We are humans! We must not be even more brutal and bloody than animals! 我们是人!我们不能比动物还要愚痴蒙昧! We are humans! We must not be even more ignorant and uncivilized than animals! Osifu虽然人微言轻,但依然会呼吁:放下屠刀!停止彼此之间的迫害、伤害、杀害! Although Osifu is an ordinary man, whose words carry little weight, Osifu will still launch the appeal: Lay down the butcher knives! Stop persecuting, hurting and killing each other. 己所不欲勿施于人,因缘果报规律是真实不虚的。 Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. The law of cause and effect is real without fail. Osifu虽然是一介草民,但依然会呐喊:一个地球,一个家庭,不要再同室操戈,骨肉相残! Although Osifu is an ordinary man, Osifu will still call on: One earth, One family. Dont fight against our own men! Dont kill our own sisters and brothers! 万物皆有灵,亿灵一家亲,爱彼此,和谐共处,不好吗? All things have souls. All beings are from the same one family. Love each other and live in mutual harmoniousness together. Isnt that good? 每当观照地球人残忍的一面,Osifu都感到十分震惊,地球人残忍的一面太可怕了。 Osifu would be devastated whenever contemplating the cruel side of earthly human, which is too horrifying. 无论地球人多么残忍,他们依然是Osifu的亲人、家人。 No matter how brutal the earthmen are, they are still Osifus loved ones and family members. Osifu知道地球人的残忍是因为他们的无知无明,是因为他们的贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑诸种习气所致,是因为他们被眼、耳、鼻、舌、身诸种欲望所蒙蔽,Osifu有信心唤醒他们,使之觉醒、觉知、觉悟,使之回心向善、回心向觉,使之断恶、修善、净心、顺道(顺应宇宙规律)。 Osifu knows that earthly humans’ cruelty is due to their stupidity, is caused by their greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion and many other bad habits, and is because that they are deceived by various desires arising from their eyes, ears, nose, tongue and physical body. Osifu is confident in waking them up to make them awakened, conscious and enlightened, to make them turn their minds to goodness and tune their minds to enlightenment, and to make them cut off all evils, nurture all goodness, purify the mind and conform to the Way (comply with the Cosmic Law ). 下面继续回答问题,请大家提问。 有问题就问,没有问题就不必问。不要为了提问,绞尽脑汁去想一个问题,Osifu也会精选有代表性、有价值、有意义的问题公开答复,不是什么问题都写入《OSIFU》一书的。 Next, Osifu will go on answering questions. You may ask questions, please. If you have any questions, then raise them. And if no question, it would be unnecessary to ask. Do not rack your brains trying to come up with a question, just for the sake of questioning. Osifu will select the typical, valuable and meaningful questions and answer them publically. It is not that any questions will be written into the book OSIFU.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:55:35 +0000

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