Before any one of YaHuah’s children can claim the benefits of - TopicsExpress


Before any one of YaHuah’s children can claim the benefits of Psalm 91, they MUST understand that they should first qualify according to the requirements of verse 1. What does this exactly mean then? Qualifying for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven is not a membership club, an organisation, a movement or a social community. The Kingdom of YAH is a relationship; a family structure under divine bloodline with royal DNA. No-one can join the Kingdom of Heaven and the Royal Family … one has to be conceived by the Divine Seed, be transformed into the nature of Messiah YaHusha through the events of life through one’s journey on planet earth, and later be birthed into eternity in one’s glorified body. The middle part in the womb represents one’s time on earth, where every man needs to decide where he’s going to spend eternity. This is also the time when YAH waits expectantly to see which individual will start with the tiniest little “mustard seed” thought, or step, to call out to Him in an effort to know Him. The common doctrine that He has laid out and planned every thought and step for us, and that our choice will make no difference, is one of the greatest deceptions. EVERYTHING in ALL the books of the Scriptures, points towards us having to choose, and if it proves to be too difficult, we can call on Him for assistance to help us on the right path. That’s all He needs to reach out and plant a seed into the willing heart. A lifestyle of intimacy with YaHUaH Elohim requires putting everything He says first, and laying our will/agendas aside. It is a seeking of His plan and His purpose for creating us and allowing His Ruach to shape us accordingly. We have to “lay down our Isaac” (lay down our own agenda according to what we think - in our intellectual mind - we have been called to do while on this earth), and submit completely to the Master’s divine plan for us. This requires nothing less than a complete dying to self. Does this mean then, that none of us are allowed to have a “life” while on this planet? Certainly not! What it does mean is that we can certainly have a spouse, house, children, car, generate an income and so forth, but all such things at all times need to be open for guidance and correction to complement YaHUaH’s plans. Should the time come when one is called to be Set-Apart from the Babylonian system, one can surely request a source of income/ provision to sustain you if YaHUaH has not supplied the necessary resources by that time. Living off Manna does not mean being limited to one carrot a day … it constitutes being provided for by Him on the narrow road towards the small gate that leads to the entrance of the Holy City. Luxuries and lavish living will most probably not be part and parcel of such a walk due to the potential temptations they will certainly bring, but the circumcision of the heart of the person will definitely not even remotely regard that as a drawback or issue. YaHUaH has ALWAYS in history of the Scriptures, had a nation; and has at some point required a more dedicated commitment from His people to draw from them a Remnant who will obey and walk the road less travelled. How this relates to Psalm 91 and those of us living in this last hour on planet earth is as follows: YaHuaH’s Ancient Paths, the original Scriptures and the gospel Messiah taught were clearly laid out as a foundation for us to build upon in the Messianic teachings. Sha’ul (Paul) clearly states that TORAH is the written and visible moral and ethical example of YaHusha Messiah. Messiah came as the “living Torah” to show us what it looks like to live according to these moral and ethical laws, as an immortal, Godly man. He has set a perfect example as to how a spirit man has dominion over the soul which results in a perfectly healthy body. Through His death and resurrection, He has paved the way for us to be transformed into that same stature. Sha’ul explains how the living Torah has now become the cornerstone of the building and how the apostles have laid the foundation for all believers from that time forward. He then instructs us to be careful how we build upon this foundation. In reading the Messianic Teachings (the NT), we are programmed in our souls with information that Ruach HaKodesh can take where He resides in us as spirit man, and bring to life the nature of Messiah. The plumb line that Sha’ul speaks of represents the moral and ethical laws of Torah (first 5 books of the Scriptures). The Messianic Writings, which is the practical process and journey of the newly begotten-again child of the Most High, should NEVER transgress or go against anything written in the TaNakh (the entire Old Testament). Therefore, if one does not have a good understanding of the Kingdom’s morals, ethics and prophecies according to the TaNaKh, it is the same as writing an exam without having had a handbook from which to learn. Simply reading the Messianic Writings without this foundation and background is the same as listening to a professor at university and making one’s own notes from individual interpretation, and using that for the truth. This is what has prevailed in the modern-day church … The TaNaKh is wrongly conceived by the church to be the “Jewish and Pharisaical Laws” and the sacrificial laws of the temple before Messiah came. The sacrificial laws of the temple have been DONE AWAY WITH because Messiah became the Lamb. By accepting Him as the divine sacrifice, our sins and sinful nature have been forever abolished by this “once-and-for-all” divine Blood sacrifice. This does however, not automatically qualify us for Kingdom citizenship, eternal life, and the right to continue living in the lower nature and expect the “age of grace” to continually forgive us of our trespasses. It requires a commitment to change, grow up as spirit man and allow Ruach HaKodesh to form Messiah’s nature in us. The law that remains for all of us in the TaNaKh is NOT a law per se, but correctly translated as Elohim’s communications / handbook / owner’s manual on what constitutes Kingdom Living. This can be very accurately translated in modern language as the Kingdom’s Constitution. Sha’ul says very clearly in his communications to those who would follow after the apostles, that there will be neither Greek nor Jew in the Kingdom of Heaven. We are a new creation; Kingdom citizens; kings, priests and prophets unto YAH. This means that the traditional Jews cannot remain Jews according to the lower nature, before Messiah. The institutional church cannot box in the message of Messiah with their doctrine either. ALL people have to come from the right and from the left, to the centre where Messiah is, and be changed into His likeness. This is for EVERYONE – Jew and Gentile. It is written, many are called but few are chosen. The few who are chosen are chosen according to their own choice. You and I, therefore, decide for ourselves how far we go in Kingdom matters. These are the ones who will rule and reign with Him. These are also the ones who are reconciled to YaHUaH Elohim, as this was the core purpose of Messiah’s ministry on earth. Many “end-time” groups wish to give the true followers depicted above, specific names and titles for exclusivity according to their own understanding. We should be careful with this kind of thing for it is an on-going revelation, and a personal one. Just as a groom has very personal and intimate communications with his bride in preparation, and certainly does not broadcast these intimate communications to the global media, we can expect therefore, that YaHusha as the Groom, would prefer to reveal end-time events and requirements to those who prove themselves to be chosen personally, in the inner man. In the modern-day church, there is so much “revelation” and “prophecy” claimed to have been received from the spirit realm and the Throne Room of YAH that very often holds serious error. The reason for this is the absence of a firm foundation on the Kingdom’s Constitution. “Christians” have largely discarded the “Old Testament” as no longer applicable in the “age of grace”, and for this reason, they have no plumb line or yardstick against which to measure these revelations and prophecies for their correctness. This is where modern-day deceptions in the church have crept in through strange spirits, strange voices, and silly doctrine. To correct this, YaHUaH is calling His people back to His Ancient Paths (Jer 6:16). We are THAT generation living in the last hour, called to walk away from sun god worship and the ways of Babylon. Not one religion on this planet has got it right … there are some that are better than others and some that are far better than others, but the life we are called to live is according to YaHUaH’s Timeline; His appointed Feasts; His statutes; His days and months; YaHUaH’s calendar and preparation for a subsequent sudden and abrupt end to this age. Psalm 91 is a promise to YaHUaH’s children who are obedient to this call, to become set-apart (holy) at this time. Set-apart (which the church translates as “holiness”) means to come out of Babylon; be set-apart for the Kingdom with the purpose of being made pure and chaste. This means walking away from the leavened lifestyle of the divided truth and man-made doctrine (refer to our post of “The Divided Truth Reasoning”) that has been accepted as the norm by the average church-goer. Psalm 91 is exclusively reserved and will only work for those who qualify according to verse 1. It is not an insurance policy, a fire insurance policy or a joker card that can be flashed in a time of need. We would at this point invite everyone to study Psalm 91 carefully, word for word, to discover the awesome depths in store for those who are serious about their eternal future. Shabbat Shalom beloved Family in YAH! Love and blessings upon you and your precious family in our beloved Mashiach YaHusha, Amein! Ephrayim and Shulamit — with Elisabeth Holland and 49 others.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 03:59:56 +0000

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