Before anyone else judges and comments unintelligible uneducated - TopicsExpress


Before anyone else judges and comments unintelligible uneducated garbage about my choice of my sons name, let me make you all abit smarter...READ PLEASE. Azrael was one of the first Grigori created, and he was THE first to be made an Archangel. Patient, meticulous, soft-spoken, he was so inobtrusive about his work that few of his fellow Archangels could be said to have known him, even before the outcasting of his Choir. The few who did know him knew that in addition to his other qualities, Azrael was above all kind -- one of the gentlest souls in the Seraphim Council. Shortly after his creation, Azrael was assigned to study a phenomenon not well-understood by Heaven at that time: the disposition of human souls. The angels had long known that some human souls arrived in Heaven, and others did not. Reincarnation and oblivion had been offered as theories, but no one really knew where the missing souls were going . . . and the Seraphim Council intuited that following the Fall, this question might be very important. Azrael was given the Word of Death to carry out his duties (angelic Words were much less competitive and assigned with less deliberation in those days). In his research, Azrael learned how to track human souls after death -- an accomplishment other angels have been unable to duplicate. He confirmed that reincarnation and disbandment both occurred, in some cases. He also discovered that many souls were anchoring themselves to the corporeal plane as ghosts, or to the ethereal plane as dream-shades. Some were drawn into the domains of ethereal spirits -- mostly pagan worshippers. The greatest revelation was the fate of those humans who were weighed down by their selfishness. They were banished to a nether-realm on the celestial plane. At one time, this had been a bleak and empty place where the dead shuffled forever in miserable isolation. But then the Fallen arrived, and the place became known as Hell. The demons were torturing and sometimes destroying the damned souls confined there, and using them to supply Essence. This revelation appalled Heaven. Azrael was elevated to the status of Archangel, and given the duty of making sure no souls were misdirected away from Heaven. He and his Servitors would gently separate ghosts and dream-shades from their anchors, retrieve pagan souls from ethereal domains, and prevent the demons from claiming any souls that didnt belong to them. Azrael was extremely effective at his job. Angels of Death became the bane of pagan gods, and exorcised hundreds of ghosts that had been clinging to the corporeal plane. Azrael instructed his Servitors to also teach humans to accept Death; that it was merely a transition to their next state, and that if they lived their lives well, they had no need to fear it. But Azrael also began a secret project. He could not accept that those souls damned to Hell must suffer for all eternity for mistakes theyd made in their too-short mortal existences. So the Archangel of Death began ministering to the damned, sneaking into Hell to locate human souls who might be converted to selflessness, and made worthy of Heaven. Angels of Death were among the least involved with day-to-day mortal existence . . . they visited humans only at the end of their lives. Short of his direct interjection with the prophet Ezra. Neither Azrael nor any of his Grigori Servitors were guilty of the crimes that got the rest of his Choir cast out of Heaven. Azrael had allies on the Seraphim Council, and might have been able to exempt himself had he fought the sentence. But Dominic had already begun sniffing around his visits to the infernal realm, just as the Archangel of Death was achieving some success at liberating damned souls from Hell. Most of the Host believed Azrael declined to appeal for special dispensation out of solidarity with his Choir, and because he was indignant at Davids brutal treatment of the Grigori and the humans whod been fraternizing with them. This was true -- but a more important reason was that Azrael wanted to continue his most important project, and deduced that he would have more freedom to do so as an Outcast. So he left Heaven . . . but never stopped serving God. The majority of Azraels Servitors, except his Grigori, transferred to the service of another Archangel. Only a few of his most ardently loyal Servitors refused to leave him. To this day, Azrael is carrying on his work, with the help of a small number of angels who followed him into exile. The other Archangels know Azrael is still alive, but he is not spoken of in Heaven. It has happened -- a few times in the millenia since the Grigori were cast out -- that an angel has researched Azraels work, identified strongly with his mission, and sought out the Outcast Archangel of Death. Azrael automatically turns away members of the Host who manage to find him . . . but a very rare few have been persistent and sincere enough to persuade the Archangel of Death to take them into his service. (Azrael only takes in angels who remain dedicated to Heaven, but who also feel a genuine calling to Azraels mission -- he is not a refuge for dissatisfied Servitors or Outcasts seeking patronage.) No one knows how many Servitors Azrael still has, but the number is almost certainly below a hundred, and some say he has no more than a dozen followers left. If any of them are Grigori, they stay very well-hidden. Azraels Servitors are not true Outcasts, in that they do have Hearts. No one knows where Azrael keeps them -- not even his Servitors. If put into Trauma (or when they ascend to the celestial plane using their Hearts as beacons), they awaken in a dark and silent place, alone with their Heart in what seems to be an endless void. Azrael has no known Tethers. Azrael and his Servitors do four things now. First, they seek to separate ghosts and dream-shades from their ties to the corporeal or ethereal plane, so these souls will move on to their final destinations. In this capacity, angels of Death search for haunted places on Earth, and often venture into the Far Marches, and the domains of ethereal gods (who regard them as thieves). Secondly, they hunt undead and destroy them wherever they are found. When Saminga became the Demon Prince of Death, Azrael was disgusted and appalled. Saminga would love to destroy Azrael, but finds his reclusive and subtle adversary impossible to confront directly. Third, angels of Death try to reduce humanitys fear of death, reflecting Azraels Grigori nature. When possible, they try to steer humans near death toward their destiny, and away from their fate, or at least give them a second chance on the wheel of life. In this capacity also, they are implacable enemies of Samingas Servitors, who promote death as a gruesome, frightening, and evil thing. Lastly, Azrael continues his mission of ministering to the damned. Its much more dangerous now, and he can only slip into Hell occasionally, meeting those souls that might be found far out on the frontiers of some of the more remote Principalities, like Abaddon and Gehanna. He does not discuss this aspect of his work, and does not generally permit any of his Servitors to join him (though its rumored that one or two have shared in his salvation efforts). No one knows how many souls he might have saved, or how he removes them from Hell, or where they go after that -- to the Higher Heavens, to another reincarnation, or simply to oblivion -- but he must succeed often enough to keep him going back for more. Therin. ...far from any evil Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:58:24 +0000

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