Before applying for India Inside Jobs check this out. It is - TopicsExpress


Before applying for India Inside Jobs check this out. It is never easy to land the kind of job you want. Job searches tend to get longer than you expect them to be. To be successful with your job search in the midst of such heavy competition, it is important to have your basics right. We have discussed a lot of job hunt techniques in our previous articles. We present a list of some basic must-haves for you to be successful in your job hunt. Preparation: As we said earlier, the competition is stiff. As such, it is important to be prepared well. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and evaluate your career choices and interest areas. Depending on your preferences, create a list of the organizations you want to work for. Learn about their business, work responsibilities etc. Preparing well will not just help you be ready for the interview but will also give you an edge over the other candidates. Good cover letter: After you are done with the preparations, create cover letters for your application. Cover letters are the first thing that a recruiter will see and it should have the power to attract them to your profile. Do not create a generic cover letter. Create cover letters addressed to individuals, pointing out your achievements and how you are the best suited candidate for the job. It should be short and precise and should be aimed at getting you an interview. Dynamic resume: Think of yourself as a product and your resume as your marketing tool. It should be able to make the recruiter think of you as a promising prospective employee. Clearly highlight your experience, qualifications, achievements and strengths. Things should be listed in the order of relevance to the job you are applying to. Moreover, since recruiters generally do not have too much time, your resume should be able to convey all the required information in a quick glance. Interview skills: The first three tips can get you to the company doors, but what actually gets you a job is your how you perform in the interview. Prepare well , dress appropriately and brush up your communication skills. Reach the venue on time and act confident. Remember, the impression you create on the recruiter during the interview is what is going to land you the job. Timely follow-ups: Following up after the interview is very important. Follow-ups can start with a thank you letter to the interviewers thanking them for their time. Regular calls and mails enquiring about the status of the interview also helps you establish as an interested candidate. A fruitful job hunt requires a lot of dedication from your side. Add to it, a lot of patience, especially due to the current scenario. But, remember, perseverance and hard work is going to sail you through the tide and you will land the job you have always dreamed of. Share your CV with digital image only at 1. 1) [email protected] 2. 2) [email protected] 3. 3) [email protected] For online tech support plz call -+91-0-9709422666 or Connect -https://facebook/IndiaInsideJobs
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 08:26:08 +0000

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