Before coming/not coming back to Latvia... What is home? Where - TopicsExpress


Before coming/not coming back to Latvia... What is home? Where is that? I never thought the connection with physical home can be an issue... this is my first time away for so long. And not somewhere, but in the other part of the world. Starting this journey, hungry for new experience, new life, with an open mind and huge gratitude in my heart, missing home was the last thing I expected to happen to me. Pushing away any thought and emotion that could be labeled as homesickness, i was pretty determined to let go whatever attachment was still binding me to the place I left for something better. When you go on a journey like this, far away from home, it is supposed to be only better, right? Well, not really...:) It is about finding the true home, where we can always rest, wherever life takes us, whatever chaos is happening outside... Home which has no geographical location and no name... which is only inside, which is probably our true essence. But first, it is about finding out, where we are at - NOW. It is about facing all our attachments, all our thinking and behaving patterns, all our biggest fears... it is about accepting whatever comes up and consciously initiating change - out of Love, not out of desire to be better or to fix something that is wrong. It is about coming out of the box of our own beliefs, embracing the different and opening our eyes and hearts to people, Life and God, no matter how it is manifested. It is about getting to the space where everything matters and nothings matters at the same time. And eventually, it is about finding the Freedom. The inner Freedom to create our reality. Freedom to choose the environment we want to contribute in and be supported by. And sometimes - freedom to acknowledge, that we might still need the nourishment from this tiny little spot on the map we used to or still call home. With whatever it implies - family, friends, nature or just the feeling that here it is all so clear and so familiar... And exhale, surrender before moving further. Or - before staying forever:) No matter if I come back next week or next year, today I dare to confess - with all the adoration I feel to Bali, I still miss you, dear friends, I still need you, dear family, I still love you - beautiful land called Latvia
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:56:02 +0000

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