Before getting married, you should know what marriage is all - TopicsExpress


Before getting married, you should know what marriage is all about. Is it a contract between two parties? A long romance? A tax break? A housekeeper? Companionship? Be careful: How you define marriage will determine what kind of spouse you choose. In the Torah, the expression used to describe intimacy is yadah, which means to know. (And Adam knew his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and had a child. – Genesis 4:1) Yadah denotes that intimacy is not just a physical act, but is a full emotional union between two people. Judaism defines marriage as finding your other half. Through marriage, two people become bound together into a single entity, bringing completeness to each other. When a man and woman make a marital commitment, they form a deep spiritual bond. They give to each other, and are committed for a lifetime. Intimacy binds husband and wife together, because it teaches us to focus beyond ourselves. Outside of marriage, intimacy is ultimately frustrating because oneness can never be fully achieved. That is why the Torah forbids intimacy not in the context of marriage. Song of Songs, written by King Solomon, is a love song between a man and a woman. Yet the Talmud calls it the Holy of Holies – the most sacred biblical text. Why? Because intimacy is really an expression of our deep desire for the ultimate unity: to connect with God. The verse, I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Song of Songs 6:3), refers symbolically to the longing for oneness with God. Bring spiritual awareness into your marriage. The secret to a really a powerful marriage is to walk with God in the middle. Being kind to your spouse is a way of being like God, who created us to give us pleasure. Tapping into this mindset will give your marriage more meaning and ultimately, more pleasure.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:37:49 +0000

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