Before he became the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi - TopicsExpress


Before he became the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu once served as a judge in the rabbinical court for the South of Israel, in Beersheva. During those years, he often travelled to visit the famous Kabbalist Baba Sali in the nearby small town of Netivot. Baba Sali, in turn, always warmly welcomed him, and displayed great affection for the accomplished Torah scholar. In those days that he was in Beersheva, Rabbi Eliyahu slept in a rented room in the home of a local family. One evening, while he was immersed in researching the complexities of a Jewish law that he would have to rule upon in court the following day, there was a knock at his door. Two young men entered, and announced that Babi Sali had invited Rabbi Eliyahu to join him in a mitzvah meal at the house of the Chief Rabbi of Beersheva. The rabbi asked them to convey his appreciation to Baba Sali for the invitation, but unfortunately he was obligated to decline; he was still in the year of mourning for his mother of blessed memory, and so was not allowed to participate in any celebrations. A short time later, the two young men returned. They said they had relayed his reply and rationale, but that Baba Sali said that nevertheless, he should still come to join him in the meal, and that he was waiting for him. Rabbi Eliyahu decided that this time he had no choice but to obey the summons; how could he possibly refuse someone of Baba Salis stature? When he entered the house where the celebration was taking place, he saw that Babi Sali was sitting at the head of the front table, his holy face radiating light and purity. As soon as Baba Sali noticed him, he motioned for another chair to be brought over, and for Rabbi Eliyahu to sit next to him. After they discussed some Torah topics for a short time, Rabbi Eliyahu begged to be excused, explaining again that he really wasnt supposed to participate in any joyous celebrations that year, and also that he needed more time to study sources in preparation for the case that he would have to judge in court the next day. Baba Sali acted as if he hadnt heard. Rabbi Eliyahu sat quietly for a few more minutes, and then repeated his request. Baba Sali responded, How can you think to abandon me here alone? Who will be available to discuss Torah with me? Rabbi Eliyahu sat in silence once more, by now completely puzzled. Why did Baba Sali insist that he remain-surely he knew the law as well as he did? While he was still contemplating, the door opened and three policemen walked rapidly into the room. Trailing behind them was the owner of the apartment in which Rabbi Eliyahu lived. The Rabbi wondered what he was doing here , and why he had come with the policemen. As the four of them approached the front table. The landlord then cried out, Thats him! Thats Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu who lives in my apartment. The policemen turned to Rabbi Eliyahu. The big smiles on their faces indicated that they were overjoyed. What a lucky man you are, Rabbi! one of them exclaimed. The astonished rabbi didnt know what they were talking about. He asked for an explanation. Baba Sali, meanwhile, was ignoring the whole procedings. The policemen reminded Rabbi Eliyahu that earlier that day he and his two fellow judges on the rabbinical court had ruled against the father in a disputed claim of child support brought by the ex-wife. The man was known in Beersheva and to the police for his violent tendencies. It seems that several hours after the verdict he had vowed to take revenge upon the three rabbinical figures. The policemen then related that the man had gone to the house of one of the other judges and asked to be let in. Upon gaining entrance, he took the sack in his hand which he previously had filled with mud and other filth, and dumped it on the head and clothing of the rabbi. After that, he hurried to the house of the second judge, where this time he didnt satisfy himself by embarrassing the rabbi and damaging his garments, but instead beat him visciously to the extent that he required medical treatment. That second judge quickly tried to warn his colleagues. He contacted the first judge and learned to his dismay that he had already been blessed with a visit. The two then immediately attempted to telephone to Rabbi Eliyahu in order to warn him. There was no answer. They then called the landlord, who told them that the rabbi had been there earlier and had been immersed in study, but he was not there now. They became afraid and called the police. The police ran to investigate, and when they couldnt discover any trace of Rabbi Eliyahu or anyone who knew his whereabouts, they feared that perhaps this time the violent revenge-seeker had done something even more terrible, G-d forbid. As their worry grew, they asked the landlord to join them in their search. As they drove, the latter suddenly remembered that there was a celebratory meal being hosted by the rabbi of the city. Hoping that this was the key to the disappearance of Rabbi Eliyahu, they had come in the squad car to check. Thank G-d we found you alive and well, the policmen concluded their report. After thanking them for their concern, Rabbi Eliyahu turned to stare at Baba Sali. A trace of a smile danced across the holy sages face, as if to say, Nu? Now do you agree that you are permitted to stay here? This is not just a celebration meal; this is your obligatory Meal of Thanksgiving upon having passed through a life-threatening danger!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:00:00 +0000

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