Before our August meeting, we had a great discussion about - TopicsExpress


Before our August meeting, we had a great discussion about focusing on values that are important to us in good governance. Because of the vitriol being spewed on other Facebook pages, let’s keep our focus where it should be, on creating a better community. Here’s a repost of my original comments from July 23: Ive really been thinking about the comments of Melissa Smith, Michele Wollert and others regarding the importance of not being dragged down into the negativity of situations. When commenting about some crazed action by our favorite politician(s), could we focus on the values wed rather see? For instance: • I am able to put my trust in organizations and people when they follow fair, equitable rules and policies in making decisions. So cutting corners in hiring staff or picking engineers to design a bridge don’t build my trust. At all. • I believe in the importance of collaboration and negotiation among our government and community organizations so that the best decisions can be made consensually for our community. So when there are NO other cities, counties, states, Department of Transportation supporting an east county bridge, the cart has careened in front of the horse. • I believe in finding and using best practice processes for assessing public opinion to help our government representatives in decision-making. That might mean a survey, vote, community forums, community conversations, etc. But I get angry at “advisory votes” that are written to be confusing (i.e., I would not vote Yes to a I-5 bridge with No Tolls when there is no proven funding without tolls). These advisory votes are a waste of time, money, and polarize our community. • I could go on and on with examples, but you get my point. At the August 23 C3G2 meeting, we will spend a short time in small groups, exploring what “good governance” means to us, and what this group wants to be beyond the current leadership crisis. So it would be great if, when commenting on FB, people would be willing to articulate the governance values we wish to see more of.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:28:13 +0000

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