Before our updated maybe correct standard looking for list a quick - TopicsExpress


Before our updated maybe correct standard looking for list a quick reminder about the TCG Bronze events we are running. These events do not require TCG Player Points to participate in. These events are feeder events to get the points you will need to get into the 50K event the first weekend in November here at the GCCC. Also we will be drafting RGD for both our Bronze event tonight and FNM on Friday since we were unable to acquire Theros boosters this week. As a consequence the win-a-box events prizes will be voucher good for redemption next week when our Theros order arrives. Sorry for any suck this is causing. Trust me, there was a lot of swearing when our distributors failed us. Ok, even more swearing than Ryan normally does. Now here is the looking for list... Theros White ($0.10)Celestial Archon-+34 ($1.50)Chained to the rock-+4 ($20.00)Elspeth, Sun’s Champ-3 ($1.00)Fabled Hero - 3 ($0.10)Gift of Immortality - 4 ($6.00)Heliod, God of Sun - 1 ($0.10)Hundred-Hand One-+4 ($2.50)Soldier of the Pantheon-5 ($1.50)Spear of Heliod - 2 Blue ($0.10)Artisan of forms-+1 ($1.00)Bident of Thassa - 6 ($0.10)Curse of the Swine - 1 ($0.10)Dissolve + 27 ($10.00)Master of Waves - 7 ($0.10)Meletis Charlatan+9 ($0.10)Prognostic Sphinx - 3 ($0.10)Shipbreaker Kraken - +37 ($1.25)Swan Song - 0 ($12.50)Thassa, God The Sea-8 Black ($0.10)Abhorrent Overlord-+28 ($1.00)Agent of the fates-7 ($4.00)Erebos, God of the Dead-8 ($5.00)Hero’s Downfall- 8 ($1.00)Hythonia the Cruel - 1 ($0.10)Nighthowler-5 ($12.50)Thoughtseize-0 ($1.75)Whip of Erebos - 8 Red ($4.00)Anger of the Gods-0 ($0.10)Ember Swallower-+36 ($1.00)Firedrinker Satyr-0 ($1.25)Hammer of Purphoros- 0 ($0.10)Labyrinth Champion-1 ($0.10)Lightning Strike-+48 ($1.25)Magma Jet-+26 ($12.50)Purphoros, God Forge-0 ($0.10)Rageblood Shaman-+6 ($0.10)Spark Jolt-+78 ($17.50)Stormbreath Dragon-6 ($0.10)Titan of Eternal Fire-+15 Green ($0.10)Anthousa, Setessan Hero-+59 ($0.10)Arbor Colossus - +1 ($3.00)Boon Satyr - 0 ($1.50)Bow of Nylea - 2 ($2.00)Mistcutter Hydra - +2 ($0.10)Nemesis of Mortals - +42 ($7.50)Nylea, God of the Hunt - +3 ($4.00)Polukranos, World Eater - 4 ($1.00)Reverent Hunter - +14 ($0.10)Sedge Scorpion - +73 ($4.00)Sylvan Caryatid - 0 Gold ($0.10)Anax and Cymede - +1 ($2.00)Ashen Rider - 0 ($15.00)Ashiok, - 5 ($1.00)Daxos of Meletis - +2 ($0.10)Destructive Revelry - +40 ($5.00)Fleecemane Lion - +5 ($1.50)Medomai the Ageless - 0 ($0.10)Polis Crusher - +12 ($1.50)Prophet of Kruphix - 1 ($0.10)Psychic Intrusion - +11 ($1.00)Reaper of the Wild - 1 ($0.10)Spellheart chimera - +28 ($1.50)Steam Augury - +2 ($0.10)Triad of Fates - +3 ($0.10)Tymaret, - +7 ($2.50)Underworld Cerberus - 2 ($10.00)Xenagos, the Reveler - 0 ARTIFACT ($0.10)Akroan Horse - 0 ($0.10)Colossus of Akros - 5 ($0.10)Pyxis of Pandemonium - +11 Land ($6.00)Nykthos, Shrine of Nyx - 1 ($2.50)Temple of Abandon - 0 ($3.50)Temple of Deceit – 4 ($2.00)Temple of Mystery - 0 ($4.00)Temple of Silence - 4 ($3.00)Temple of Triumph - 1 White ($3.50)Ajani, Caller – 7 ($.10) Ajani’s Chosen – 0 ($3.50) Angel Serenity – 0 ($0.10) Angelic Skirmisher-6 ($15.00)Archangel of Thune -7 ($1.25)Blind Obedience – 4 ($2.00)Bonescythe Sliver – 2 ($.10)Celestial Flare - +23 ($1.00)Devout Invocation - 0 ($5.00)Fiendslayer Paladin - 0 ($1.00) Frontline Medic – 0 ($3.00) Gideon, Champion-3 ($.10)Hive Stirrings - +30 ($2.50) Imposing Sovereign - +2 ($0.75) Indestructibility - 0 ($.10)Luminate Primordial-3 ($0.10) Lyev Decree - +10 ($.10)Martial Law -5 ($0.10) Planar Cleansing - 1 ($.75)Path of Bravery - 1 ($1.00)Precinct Captain – 5 ($0.75) Renounce Guilds - +1 ($1.00) Rest in Peace - 0 ($0.10) Riot Control - 6 ($.10) Scion of Vitu-Gh - 4 ($0.10) Sentinel Sliver - +20 ($.10)Seraph o/t Sword-1 ($1.00) Silence-0 Blue ($3.00) Aetherling - 4 ($0.10) Colossal Whale - 0 ($.10)Conjured Currency +12 ($2.50)Cyclonic Rift – 0 ($.10) Diluvian Primordial+2 ($0.10) Dismiss Into Dream - 5 ($0.10) Domestication - +2 ($0.75) Elite Arcanist – 2 ($.75) Enter the Infinite – 0 ($2.00) Galerider Sliver – 2 ($0.10) Hidden Strings +6 ($20.00)Jace Arch – 1 ($4.00) Jace Memory Adept – 8 ($0.10) Jace’s Mindseeker – 4 ($1.00) Quicken – 1 ($0.10) Realmwright – 6 ($.10)Search the City –+3 ($0.10) SimicManipulator-0 ($.10)SphinxofChimes+7 ($.10) Stolen Identity – 4 ($.10)Syncopate – 0 ($2.00) Tidebender Mage - 2 ($0.10) Tome Scour - +13 ($.10) Trait Doctoring - +3 ($1.00)Traumatize - 3 ($0.75)Windreader Sphinx - 0 Black ($.10) Blood Scrivener -0 ($0.10) Bogbrew Witch - 4 ($1.25) Crypt Ghast – 4 ($.10) Dark Prophecy - 5 ($6.00)Desecration Dem - 8 ($.10)Grave Betrayel – 1 ($.10) Grim Return – 2 ($6.00) Lifebane Zombie – 0 ($2.50) Liliana o/t Dark Rea – 6 ($1.00) Liliana’s Reaver - 0 ($1.50) Lord of the Void – 8 ($.75)Necropolis Regent – 1 ($0.10) Nightmare - 1 ($.10)Ogre Slumlord -2 ($.10)Pack Rat – 4 ($.10) Pontiff of Blight – 5 ($1.75) Rise o/t Dark Realms – 7 ($1.50) Sanguine Bond – 0 ($.10) Sepulchral Primor-0 ($0.75) Shadowborn Apostle – +7 ($3.50) Shadowborn Demon – 3 ($1.00) Syphon Sliver – 1 ($.10)Ultimate Price - +3 ($.10) Undercity Inform –5 ($.10)UndercityPlague- +9 ($1.00)Underworld Conn -6 ($2.50) Xathrid Necromancer - 0 Red ($2.50)Ash Zealot – 3 ($0.10) Awaken the Ancient - 4 ($0.10) Blur Sliver - +7 ($3.00) Burning Earth – 0 ($20.00) Chandra, Pyromaster – 5 ($2.50) Chandra’s Phoenix – 1 ($.10)Chaos Imps - 0 ($.10) 5 Alarm Fire – 6 ($0.10) Goblin Diplomats – 1 ($.10)GuildFeud-+7 ($1.50)Guttersnipe-2 ($.75) Hellkite Tyrant – 4 ($2.50) Legion Loyalist – 3 ($0.75) Mindsparker - 0 ($2.50)Mizzium Mortars – 2 ($.10) Molten Primord –5 ($1.00) Ogre Battledriver -0 ($.10) Possibility Storm - 0 ($.10) Pyrewild Shaman +6 ($2.00) Scourge of Valkas – 0 ($0.10) Shivan Dragon - 2 ($0.10) Shock - +41 ($.10) Skullcrack +5 ($0.10) Striking Sliver - +30 ($1.25) Thorncaster Sliver – 7 ($.75)Utvara Hellkite – 6 ($0.10) Wild Ricochet - 3 ($.10) Wrecking Ogre-+7 ($1.50) Young Pyromancer - 1 Green ($.10)DeadbridgeGoliath+3 ($0.10) Death’s Presence - 42 ($0.10) Elvish Mystic +4 ($1.00)Experiment One – 0 ($7.50) Garruk, Call/beast – 0 ($0.10) Garruk’s Horde - +2 ($.75) Giant Adephage – 8 ($1.00) Gyre Sage –+1 ($0.10) Into the Wilds - 4 ($10.00) Kalonian Hydra – 1 ($0.10) Lay o/t Land - +54 ($.10)Mana Bloom – 6 ($0.75) Manaweft Sliver - 3 ($0.75) Megantic Sliver – 5 ($0.10) Oath o/t Anci Wood - +5 ($0.10) Ooze Flux – 4 ($0.10) Phytoburst - +2 ($0.10) Predatory Sliver - +38 ($4.00) Primeval Bounty – 2 ($0.10) Renegade Krasis – 6 ($1.00) Savage Summoning - +2 ($9.00) Scavenging Ooze – +7 ($0.10) Skarrg Goliath - +7 ($.75) Skylasher - 0 ($1.00)Sylvan Primordial – 0 ($0.10) Vastwood Hydra - 2 ($.10)Wild Beastmaster +1 ($2.50) Witchstalker -0 ($1.50)Worldspine Wurm-0 Gold ($5.00)Abrupt Decay – 4 ($2.50) Advent of the Wurm -8 ($0.10) Alms Beast - +1 ($.10)Archon of the Tri - 2 ($1.25)Armada Wurm – 3 ($1.25) Assemble Legion – 5 ($1.75) Aurelia’s Fury – 5 ($2.50) Aurelia Warleader -0 ($0.75)Azorius Charm – 2 ($.10) Biovisionary – 4 ($10.00) Blood Baron – 0 ($.75)Borborygmos, - 2 ($0.10) Boros Battle - +5 ($1.00) Boros Charm – 3 ($.10)Carnival Hellsteed – +1 ($0.10) Cartel Aristocrat -4 ($.10) Clan Defiance - +9 ($.10)Collective Blessing – 6 ($1.25) Consuming Abb – 6 ($0.10)Corpsejack Men – 1 ($.75) Council o/t Absolute - 0 ($0.10)Counterflux – 1 ($1.00) Deadbridge Chant – 5 ($.75)Deathpact Angel – 0 ($0.10) Deputy of Aquittals - +2 ($2.50)DetentionSphere – 0 ($0.10) Dimir Charm – 1 ($15.00) Domri Rade – 6 ($.10)Dragonshift-3 ($2.50)Dreadbore – 6 ($0.10) Drown in Filth - +6 ($2.00) Duskmantle Seer – 0 ($0.10) Emmara – 6 ($0.75)Epic Experiment – 0 ($1.00) Exava Blood Witch - 5 ($0.10) Fathom Mage – 2 ($.10) Firemane Avenger-3 ($.10)Firemind’s Fo- +3 ($0.10) Foundry Champion-1 ($.10) Gaze of Granite - 4 ($1.00) Ghor-Clan Rampager+19 ($0.10) Gruul Charm+22 ($0.10) Gruul Ragebeast – 0 ($.10)Havoc Festival – +3 ($.10) High Priest of Pen –4 ($.10)Hypersonic Dragon– 2 ($.75)Isperia – 2 ($0.75)Jarad, Lord – 5 ($.10) Jarad’s Orders - 0 ($1.00) Lazav, Dimir - 4 ($2.50) Legions Initiatitive – +1 ($.10) Lavinia - +16 ($1.00)Lotleth Troll –4 ($2.50)Loxoden Smiter – 0 ($3.50) Master Biomancer-8 ($1.50) Master of Cruelties – 5 ($0.10) Melek -6 ($1.00) Merciless Eviction – 0 ($.10)Mercurial Chem – 0 ($1.00) Mind Grind – 5 ($0.10) Mirkovosk - 4 ($0.10) Mystic Genesis – +2 ($1.00) Niv Mizzet – 3 ($0.10) Nivix Cyclops - +28 ($.10) Notion Thief - 3 ($7.50) Obzedat, - 1 ($.10) Obzidat’s Aid - +3 ($0.10) Pilfered Plans - 1 ($.10) Plasm Capture - 4 ($1.50)Prime Speaker –8 ($1.75) Progenitor Mimic -8 ($.10) Purtefy - 0 ($4.00)Rakdos’s Return – 7 ($1.50)Rakdos, Lord of – 6 ($6.00) Ral Zarek – 3 ($.75) Reap Intellect - 0 ($0.10) Render Silent – 3 ($.10)Righteous Authority – +3 ($0.10) Rubblehulk – 4 ($.10) Ruric Thar –3 ($2.00) Savage Born Hydra - 6 ($.10)Selesnya Charm - 0 ($0.10) Signal the Clans – 0 ($0.10) Sin Collector - +11 ($.10) Sire of Insanity - 2 ($0.75)Slaughter Games – 4 ($0.10) Soul Ransom – +6 ($.10) Spark Trooper – 1 ($15.00)Sphinx’s Revelat – 7 ($4.00)Supreme Verdict – 0 ($.10) Tajic Blade of – 6 ($.10) Teysa - 1 ($0.10) Treasury Thrill - 5 ($3.50)Trostani – 6 ($0.10) Unexpected Results-4 ($0.10) Unflinching Cour - 6 ($1.00) Varolz Scar Striped - 7 (0.10)Vizkopa Guildmage-5 ($20.00) Voice of Resu – 4 ($ .10) Vorel - 1 ($5.00)Vraska - 3 ($0.10) Warleaders Helix -+32 ($.10)Wayfaring Temple – 5 ($.10) Whispering Madness-3 ($0.10) Zhur-taa Ancient – 4 Hybrid ($.10)Azor’s Elec – +2 ($0.10) Biomass Mutation – 4 ($9.00) Boros Reckoner –2 ($1.25) Burning-Tree Emm+1 ($.10)Cryptborn Horror - +5 ($10.00)Deathrite Shaman -6 ($0.10)Growing Ranks – 5 ($.10)Immortal Servitude-3 ($4.00) Nightveil Specter – 8 ($.10)Nivmagus Element – 3 ($.10)Rakdos Cackler +1 ($.10) Rubblebelt Raiders+1 Artifact ($1.50)Chromatic Lantern-2 ($1.50) Darksteel Forge – 2 ($2.00) Door of Destinies - 0 ($.10) Glaring Spotlight – +1 ($0.10) Guardian o/t Ages - +3 ($1.00) Haunted Plate Mail - 0 ($.10) Illusionist’s Bracer -+3 ($1.00)Pithing Needle – 8 ($0.10) Pyromancer’s Gaunt - 5 ($1.25) Ratchet Bomb – 4 ($1.25) Ring of 3 Wishes – 0 ($1.00) Strionic Resonator – 0 ($0.10) Trading Post - 0 ($.10)Volatile Rig - 1 SPLIT ($.10) Beck // Call - +12 ($.10) Breaking // Entering – 4 ($0.10) Catch // Release - +3 ($0.10) Far // Away - 3 ($0.10) Flesh // Blood - +1 ($0.10) Ready // Willing - 5 ($0.10) Turn // Burn - +17 Land ($6.50)Blood Crypt – 8 ($6.50) Breeding Pool – 7 ($6.50) Godless Shrine – 6 ($0.10) Grove o/t Guardian - +4 ($7.50)HallowedFoun – 8 ($1.00) Maze’s End -5 ($10.00)Mutavault- 0 ($6.50)Overgrown Tomb-0 ($7.50) Sacred Foundry – 0 ($5.00)Steam Vents – 5 ($6.50)StompingGround–+3 ($7.50)Temple Garden – 4 ($.10) Thespian’s Stage – 5 ($6.50) Watery Grave - 2 I was a genius until I turned 8. After that everybody caught up to me and I realized I was stupid.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:46:00 +0000

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