Before the fruit was eaten, did Adam and Eve know the difference - TopicsExpress


Before the fruit was eaten, did Adam and Eve know the difference between good and evil? NO Then how were they supposed to know to not eat from the tree? They were the robots without free will as they would obey anyone. Why did Jesus have to die? To save us from going to hell. Who created Hell? God did Who decides who goes to hell and who does not? God does. Who creates people already knowing, even before their deaths, where these people will go? God does. The death of Jesus means nothing really and if you think about it, it wasnt a sacrifice (he conquered death, yet he had created death). God had the freedom to choose to take anyone to heaven. Tell me, if you are saved by Jesus, does this mean that you are sinless? NO IT DOES NOT. Jesus is just taking your punishment yet you are left as a sinful human being Meaning, if you go to heaven, you will be no different to anyone in hell as these people will be TAKING THEIR OWN punishments. You will be in heaven, still sinful as you ever were, but wait! We are told that there is no sin in heaven... how come? Did God find a way to make humans exist without sin? And if so, why use it just in heaven instead of use it on man at this moment and avoid wasting millennia in his infinite sorrow? https://youtube/watch?v=6fakYohScLE I dont agree with everything he says, but he makes some very valid points that prove my theory about parts of the Christian Bible being written by the Romans to quell the Jews from their perpetuous blood-thirsty ways.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:32:45 +0000

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