Before the last light fades - She came unto me through the depths - TopicsExpress


Before the last light fades - She came unto me through the depths of dispair. Found a soul so deep and under pressure. Seems like the last megaldon of the marianna. A singular blissful light in a ocean shimmering like the universe. Same as the lone wolf in an attempt to become the pack leader. Something worth avoiding desolations safety. We all have a cosmic force that shattered our world. Crash landing with magnificence, erupting with beauty. Claim any fish in the sea you want. But in the sky, resides the one mystery. Not from here, and beyond all alegations of the origin, Im content in its presence. Perception is a variable, eye to eye that is. Ive come to pry open the psychoactive mind. Im seeing more then they. Ironicaly, im still learning to see. Malevolence will teach the price of "come and go" But experience will teach you to haggle with longevity. Obeying the laws of before and after. Im balancing the butterfly effect of my words. A farm of thoughts, sentences, words, and sincerity. Properly raised your hopes or prayers should be relevant. The world shouldnt be so dark, in the sun but, in the ocean. Dont emerge just for air. Emerge for the sake of the light. Emerge for the giver of life. The dark is cold, the light is warm. Thats no coincidence. Reflect that and make it so. The darkness will negate your goals. The heart grows cold. The light can become blight. Burn up in front of you. A balance in the mind, an attempt to be at peace. Too much, and one good thing can turn to cob webbed heart instantaneously. The lone wolf wolf wont vacate the woods for too long. The whale must submerge. The darkness is inevitble The light is inconstant. Even during the suns reign, rain clouds still shade..
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 03:45:00 +0000

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