Before the new year rolls over tonight and I turn 25 years old, - TopicsExpress


Before the new year rolls over tonight and I turn 25 years old, there are a few words of gratitude that I would like to say. Ive learned quite a lot this year; about life and about myself. I never expected to be where I am at today at such a young age. I was always so busy focusing on hard work and getting to where I wanted to be that I never even realized the points that I had already reached. It is important to me that I thank many people in my life who have been there along the way acting as the foundation for my efforts. My parents, my family, my friends, all the people, acquaintances, and professionals that I have worked with, my colleagues, my lab partners, classmates, and even friends from back in high school. You all have always pushed me to go further and told me that I could do whatever I wanted and I never forgot anything that each and every one of you have told me. Most of all though, thank you to my father and mother, who from day 1, never stopped telling me that I must work hard and be the best at anything I do: to not settle for being average or having done enough. As a child, when I brought home my grades on a test, I was not congratulated for achieving a score of 95. Instead, I was disciplined because it was not a 100. I realized later as I grew up where my motivation and determination to continuously perfect anything that I worked on came from and that this was a lesson so great, it shaped the way that I would conduct myself for the rest of my life. To be wealthy with knowledge, spirit, support, and the drive to continually move forward, learn, and take on new challenges is all I could have ever asked for from this year. Ill be sure to make 2015 not just count twice as much, but 10 times.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:19:06 +0000

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