Before this Ray and Janay Rice case is over it is my opinion that - TopicsExpress


Before this Ray and Janay Rice case is over it is my opinion that the NFL commissioner, Rodger Goddell, Ravens owners, key personnel and even members of the DAs office and police will be suspended or terminated due to an attempt at a mass cover up. They all saw the video. The are not being honest when they say the did not prior to TMZ release. And ESPN knows more than its saying about the Ray Rice Beatings which goes deeper than just ONE video. A womans life was in danger. But more importantly a message is being sent to women every where that money, power and reputation are more important than their safety and self respect. Just how stupid and gullible does the media and big corporations think we are. But who can blame them when this culture of domestic violence and abuse is cultivated, for example, by ESPNs acceptance and allowance of more than 400 fantasy football teams with the name BEATS BY RAY! It is ESPNs or any other mainstream medias community responsibility to collectively have the foresight to stop any blurring of this line. To educate the men and women as to how insensitive, detrimental and counter productive it is when there is failure or unwillingness to monitor the use of language that sets a tone that fuels a culture of tolerance and acceptance of abuse of our women. On Oct 11th we will be discussing this isue in depth in addition to dating concerns, flags, can a marriage survive without trust, forgiveness, how important is spirituality, how much do finances affect relationships and just how easy is it for power to shift in relationships. Stay tuned, Stay safe . God bless. For more on dating and relationships visit Allison Burden Relationship Expert and Event Coordinater at bestillandmove. To rsvp for A seat at Complicated Conversations Oct 11th Seminar contact Mike Guinn or Allison Burden or Margaret Margie Garrett. 9727045001
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 10:06:33 +0000

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