Before we had the support of a well established Endorphin CrossFit - TopicsExpress


Before we had the support of a well established Endorphin CrossFit Army, this was one of our first posts. Now that we have a broader audience, I think it is important that this gets seen again. I dare anyone to watch this video and not feel SOMETHING. I predict that SOMETHING you feel may be a nagging feeling in the back of your head or a foot in your butt to ask a little bit more of yourself and your life. One of the speakers talks about turning your SHOULDS into MUSTS. What are YOUR musts? I know a MUST for us at Endorphin CrossFit is to improve the lives of those who we come in contact. That MUST is so general because improvement can mean so many different things to different people - whether its health, self confidence, attitude, athletic ability or something different entirely. A MUST for 555 Fitness is to educate a sub population of people, whos lives may just depend on physical fitness, about the need to stay fit and healthy. They achieve this goal through educational seminars and through grants for equipment that will allow Volunteer Firefighters and Firefighters Worldwide to physically train. The people of Again Faster Equipment have long showed that fitness and education are a must for their organization - through their support of the #CrossFit community as a whole and through their monetary and philosophical support of #555Fitness. #WhatDrivesYou? #KeepsYouUpAtNight #YourHopesAndDreams #YourMusts CrossFit The CrossFit Games Mobility Wod JekyllHYDE Apparel
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:07:38 +0000

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