Before you can speak on behalf of God or say that you are bringing - TopicsExpress


Before you can speak on behalf of God or say that you are bringing Gods Word, you need to be sent by God first. You have to be called by God. You cannot simply claim that you are somebody from God because you know how to preach or simply because you sound like a good preacher. What then are the credentials of a man who can preach the truth of the Word of God? It is the one whom God has sent. One must receive Gods calling and commission before having the ability to preach the whole truth of the Word of God. How they can preach unless they are sent? As it written, how beautiful are the feet if those who bring good news! -Roma 10:15 There are people whom God has called to preach. They are none other those whom He has called to be apostles. Apostles are the sent ones of God. They act on behalf of God, they are His representatives, emissaries and ambassadors. They are the people who are able to preach and communicate the truth of the word of God faithfully and authoritatively Romans 1:5-6 5] By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: [6] Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: … Leadership is important, because without the proper leadership and communicator of the Word of God, our faith in God will be in vain. But praised be to God because we are truly blessed in PMCC (4th Watch) we have an apostolic leadership. We believe Jesus Christ as the churchs head, builder and foundation. He has sent human representatives called apostles to speak on His behalf. Galatians 1:11-12
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:54:54 +0000

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