Before you have a discussion on womens ordination make sure you - TopicsExpress


Before you have a discussion on womens ordination make sure you can answer the below questions. 1. Have I personally studied the subject (scriptural texts) for more than a few mins? 2. Are we discussing ordination to ministry or to a headship role? 3. Is the topic of ecclesiastical structure an intrinsically moral issue? 4. Are my ideas on the subject culturally or emotionally driven? 5. Can I defend my position Biblically or do I resort to ad hominem or rhetorical arguments? 6. Was the early Church more a corporation or a family? 7. Are men called to be heads of their homes? 8. Are husbands to submit to wives or to God on their behalf? 9. Are wives called to reverence their husbands / submit to their authority as head of the home? 10. Am I merely following the crowd on the issue to avoid standing out? Im wanting to provoke you guys to think Biblically. Thats my agenda. Whatever your view if you can make an intelligent case from scripture u have my respect for that. If u sidestep certain texts and misuse others to support your premise you cant expect your view to be taken too seriously. At the end of the day lets all commit to being charitable, respectful, and considerate to others as we discuss and learn more about the subject together.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:29:18 +0000

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