Before you jump the gun on this whole Global Warming Protest for - TopicsExpress


Before you jump the gun on this whole Global Warming Protest for solutions, Remember the Equal Womens rights movement, The only reason the bankers backed it up and created such a media frenzies over it was because they had a hidden agenda behind it. Im not saying women dont deserve equality. Im saying what you may think is in their best interests is only profiting theirs, What im trying to say is women wanted to be looked and treated as equals in society, Being able to work and be independent, Which I am all for, But in the under lining of the surface they wanted to be able to tax the entire nation, Because at that time in history men made enough working one job, and was able to support the whole family, When women got equal rights they began taxing the whole nation on both sides, and decreased our wages, so we made the same amount to survive regardless whether there were two working per family. This whole global warming crisis is already pre-designed to be able to tax the whole society even further just for breathing, Its called a carbon tax, and who ever pays the most has the ability to pollute more, They will choose the amount of your children if you cant provide the capitol to be able to gain revenue just off you breathing.. Think before you let this gain traction. They DONT CARE about US!!!!!! https://youtube/watch?v=nDUECKBWwRw&list=UUXlkXa-nj9jN2L8HrxyPX9w This show if you listen it will explain all of this to you in full detail of the plan coming our way, We must be aware. We must take the reigns, We must be the people. Not the ones we elect.. For we are the 99%
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:55:07 +0000

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