Before you read, understand my disclaimer…… I have nothing - TopicsExpress


Before you read, understand my disclaimer…… I have nothing against those who fall, absolutely nothing! I also have nothing against the pastors. I am just telling you my experience!! High school days have the greatest of memories! Of students who would get saved over the weekend during a weekend challenge only to backslide in the course of the week. We used to have so much fun during weekend challenges! It was even more fun if the pastors were male and were coming from big towns. All the dancing and singing gave us a good break from the daily boring routine! The only problem that came with these weekend challenges was ‘demon extortions’! Surely, you iron your uniform so well and report to hall on Sunday to have the time of your life looking at handsome pastors and singing your heart out only for the pastors to start extorting demons from you! I remember the pastors used to shout “Holy ghost fireeee” and everyone would go down! People would start rolling on the ground and speaking in tongues! I was among those who pray while seated .All of the sudden, someone fell and she interfered with the stability of the bench en we all fell down. Now pastor thinks you all have Demons! If only he knew we wea let down by the bench, not that we had demons! I was the most stable of them all, I had never fallen in church not even wen the most powerful pastor prayed for me I would remain strong and stand tall. At some point I almost thought I Had the Strongest of all fall Demons until you accept it! And you know the way a pastor can be angry if you do not fall when he Say Holy Ghost fire!! The moment the pastors would see you down, they would rush to where you are and start pushing your head and talking to demons ordering them to leave you! They push and swag, nooooo, the pushing is so Vigorous until you would also think you are possessed! If you try opening your mouth to explain that you fell by mistake a slap shuts you up! Ie you are slapped and told Satan, don’t argue with me! Aiiiii, tear begins directed immediately! You do not dare open your mouth again! Of course there were people who were truly possessed and these pastors really helped them! So one day, my friend and I decided to just go for the weekend challenge to sing, dance and have a look at this famous pastor everyone was talking about. We were just going there for an hour or so then go back and louse around in the dorm. I was not so lucky; I was among those who fell by mistake. That is, after scrutinizing were I would sit Thoroughly and making sure I sat next to Those WHO never fell, while I sat beside them, the woman had an ambitious plan for the fall! She fell down taking me with her! It was so abrupt that I fell down with a loud thud! I immediately realized what had happened and struggled to find my way back to my seat but it was too late. Two pastor Were Already on us! One held my shoulder and pressed it on the floor shouting at the devil to leave me alone. It was painful BUT I did not dare open my mouth to tell him he is hurting me, fearing to be slapped .He started extorting demons from me! I swear it was a very painful ordeal! Your arm is twisted, your head is pushed, eiiiii. The more you resisted the vigorous it became, so I decided to play cool. I just lay there immobile like a demon that had given up and waited for him to finish. The lady who made me fall was beside me shouting her lungs out! As the pastor shouted Get out of here demon!” and she would answer ‘am not alone we are many . Wololo, said given several slaps!! The Pastor Dealing with her did not have mercy for the Demons .the lady was seriously slapped without mercy! This other one that was dealing with me must have been motivated by the other pastor coz he suddenly started slapping me shouting demons get out from here the winds. WAAA, the slaps Were hot! All that time my friend standing next to me was laughing her heart out! I could see her giggling and she knew how mad I was! We both always avoided sitting next to those who fell for our own safety! You know there are those notorious ones who would fall every other weekend! So the pastor kept slapping me and saying Go out of here demon. I looked at my fellow fallen hero next to me and she being slapped thoroughly for Answering “am not alone we are many! So the next time he slapped me and shouted Get out of here demon, I decided to give him an easy time, I OPENED my mouth and shouted I have gone pastor you win. All I wanted for him to leave me and concentrate on the Congregation! It worked! He just pushed my head one more time and shouted Amen, His gestured his team to help me up. I was so dirty and hurting! Not the shoulders, not the chest, not the back, not the cheeks! Eiiiiiii, I was helped up and led to a bench Here I sat. My friend was still laughing her heart out! She walked to me and whispered sorry, I have gone for lunch’ then walked away. It was a Saturday and guys were lousing around in the dormitory yet here I was sitting in the hall in pain after falling accidentally! I really wanted to leave and go to the dorm and just make merry! The only problem was that once you fell and was prayed for; there was no leaving the hall until the weekend challenge ended officially! You would have to stay until night then meet with the pastor when everyone else was leaving for Counseling. Then you had to attend the weekend challenge again the following day after church! Seriously, what had I just got myself INTO? Now I was not going to have my weekend for myself!!! ! To make it worse, you had to go for whole week counseling for every evening. The part I did most was that now everybody treated you like a saved person, now you had to be polite all through, even you cannot cut line at the eating. If you go to cut you said Eiiii, even when yo saved u still cut the line!!! It was humiliating I tell you! After the challenge ended that evening, all of us who had fallen that day were told to remain behind and have a one on one with the pastors. Were there around five current pastor and those of us WHO had fallen were 32!! You can imagine we wea seated in the corner we wud go one by one for every pastor! And at point we wea all hungry indeed, apparently Fasting It was a weekend challenge! I was just remembering my friend who had go for lunch den supper, kyoka its getting late, I am yet to seat for my turn with the pastor! And if you look at who is sitting with them, every person has a mark . The hunger in me made me want to see the pastor ASAP and leave. So I Stood up and walked to the next available pastor. He kept asking me about my family thinking maybe That Could there be someone WHO Had the Demons en gave some to me! I told him no! He must have thought I was not ready to talk. He told me to sit aside I will be the last. He then called the next fallee and told me to wait. Surely, was I going to sit there and wait for all those people? If it was information he wanted in order to release me, then information he would get. I timed just right as he finished with the lady next to him and I walked towards him. I told him I was ready to talk. I told him we had a neiba in our rural place that breeds snakes and he really hated me. I lied and made him believe that it was this neiba who had sent me demons. Together we prayed and I was eventually released with a stern warning not to fail to attend the challenge the following day! I limped all the way to the dorm; luckily my friend had served me dinner, though It was cold. News-was all over the place I fell and guys wea really giggling and laughing Were I passed. I Had been a great critic of Those who fell, now am a victim by proxy!! That was but then!!!! My God is a big big big God!! I love Him to the moon and back!! These days going to church with the right reasons, not laughing at those who fall!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:46:05 +0000

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