Before you speak ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, it is - TopicsExpress


Before you speak ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, it is true, does it improve upon the silence? ~Sai Baba of Shirdi Good morning. I am grateful to be alive, awake, aware, attentive, available, accepting in this incarnation right here, right Now, present, patient, peaceful, at this point of my karmic cycle and spiritual development. I am grateful for keeping it simple. The simple yet profound sense of Being that can only be expressed as I Am! I am grateful for living a Loving path from my heart, seeking a quiet mind and an open and Loving heart where all I ever need to be is me precisely as I am in this moment and all you ever need to be is you precisely as you are in this moment. Nothing is right nor wrong nor good nor bad nor fair nor unfair, like and dislike— these are all movements in the dance of life, none better nor worse simply steps that create or relieve suffering, coming into and out of balance and harmony, chaos and calm, troubled and tranquil, being connected or disconnected... I am grateful for tender concern and generosity of spirit, for living a loving life from my heart, connecting with my heart in a deep and profound manner so I can connect with your heart in a deep and profound manner. I am grateful for understanding whats important. I am grateful for laughter. Laughter is divine. Lovingly laughing at myself profound. I am grateful for those who live their truth and encourage and inspire others to do the same. For those who point out my assumptions, biases, prejudices, my delusions, dishonesty and denial, my unconscious reactions, my barriers, those who point out when Im selfish and self centered and remind to listen to and help others. I am grateful for looking you in the eyes and smiling; you spontaneously, seemingly simultaneously smiling back. Smiling is a gesture towards peace. Smiling causes smiling. Practice makes practice. Kindness. Kindness. Kindness. There is an infinite and inexhaustible Source of Love available to Us, if we make ourselves available to it. I am grateful for surrendering my illusion of control, surrendering my fear, anger, worry, self-pity. Surrendering trying to figure it out, whatever it may be. Breathing a little deeper, pausing a little longer, judging less, fearing less, complaining less, and Loving more. I am grateful for expanding my faith and trust, my Loving acceptance and compassionate awareness just a little wider. For talking less and listening more. I will become quiet enough to hear the truth whispering in my heart. I will live with all that is unresolved and trust the unfolding of the Universe. I will have the courage to live authentically and unapologetically. I will be kind, gentle and Loving with myself and others. I will look for Love in me so I can see Love in you. I am grateful for patience, according myself with the Way things are, trusting the Unfolding Universe... seeing beauty in myself, I see beauty everywhere. True Beauty is within and will never fade. Harmony and balance are the true laws of the Universe, entropy is merely one of their tools... I am grateful for the blessed mystery and giftedness of existence, that I was given life, I was given Love, I was nurtured and nourished, I was given intelligence, sensitivity, creativity, laughter, tears... I was given a language with implicit biases, I was taught how to think and what counts as a correct answer, I was given a culture, technology, a natural and built environment as a playground, other sentient beings with which to play, I was given obstacles to overcome, lessons to learn, people to Love, loss, grief heartache to heal from, I was given loneliness to make friends with, confusion to find clarity, vulnerability to find my true strength, fear to find courage, chaos to find peace, resentments to find forgiveness, being overwhelmed to learn to let go, powerlessness to find acceptance... I was given an innate sense of justice, kindness and compassion... There is nothing in me, around me, about me that has not been given... I have been given you, such a gift! I am grateful for you letting me share this daily practice honoring the giftedness of our existence. I am so grateful for you! You make my heart smile! I am grateful for you being you precisely as you are, me being me precisely as I am, Us being Us precisely as we are. One Love. One Heart. One Mind. Thank you. Have a wonder-full day! I Love you!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 14:56:56 +0000

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