Before you started this spiritual quest you probably didn’t - TopicsExpress


Before you started this spiritual quest you probably didn’t recognize the evil nature within your egoism; you sensed it only as a healthy drive for success. You probably did not realize how many people you had trampled on your way up the corporate ladder. Being confronted with this kind of impenetrable barrier, unenlightened souls feel their only options are to settle for what you they have, to live with the pain and frustration, or attempt to climb over it or even bulldoze their way through it and at anyone’s expense. This is why the entrance to the Kabbalah Park can never be open for all. If the masses were to get through the entrance they would run up against their own inner labyrinth wall and it would not allow them to climb over or tear it down. Countless numbers are totally incapable of hearing the call of the nightingales; they are only trying to escape life. In order to perceive, recognize or to create, one needs to feel it in the heart. The wall is a symbol of petrified egoism that can transform into an elastic membrane that grants entrance to the spiritual dimension. Inspired from such wisdom, you now comprehend that the force behind the mockingbirds is the same force behind the Melodies. It just took on different forms in order to prod you to correction. With every step and every correction nature rewarded you with ever increasing degrees of delight. From now on tending to the garden will fill a much higher purpose. Nature’s creations are ready to communicate with you. You respond by giving fresh water to a flower, caring for a rose, root feeding the deepest roots of a tree and weeding out the garden. With your green thumb, everything is now thriving more splendid than ever with the most exquisite fruits. The seed of caring and dedication has now come up in your heart. The new garden is extremely charged with spiritual force. Whereas in the past you only regarded it as a place for temporary relaxation, now your motivations for gardening are much more deeply rooted with a higher calling; full of amazement you see how natural and supernatural forces harmonize in nature. All around you there exists an aura that others can feel and this aura influences them the same way it inspires the plants in the garden. Your example inspires others who never felt any desire to take a shovel in their hands and till the soil. They will now become spiritual gardeners just like you. The spiritual grass roots movement continually spreads. Numerous nightingales have now hatched and they carry the freshly inspired message throughout the planet for inspiring those who are responsible for setting environmental policy: politicians, scientists and landscape architects. They are called upon to build additional Kabbalah-Parks and tear down all of those remaining divisive walls that have befallen humankind with misfortune and have prevented them from attaining their own self-determination.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 11:33:45 +0000

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